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tv   Today  NBC  June 11, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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that is what's happening "today in the bay." >> back at 7:25 with live local updates. have a great one. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. breaking overnight. did the state department try to cover up misconduct by some of its employees? including an ambassador accused of soliciting prostitutes? this morning, the damaging documents just obtained by nbc news. maunt, federal agents stepping up the search for the man who leaked those classified nsa documents as he threatens to reveal even more secrets. this morning, bill o'reilly weighs in. and midair mystery, a passenger jet kes an emergency landing after hitting something at 26,000 feet, taking it on the nose, so if it wasn't a bird, what was it? "today," tuesday, june 11th,
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2013. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> and i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales and we are following the breaking news out of washington, some serious allegations this morning facing the state department. >> according to internal state department memos the agency might have called off or intervened an investigation into possibly illegal and inappropriate behavior within its ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals, this concerns the time that hillary clinton was secretary of state. we want to get right to nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd with the latest. good morning to you. >> there's an old saying in washington the coverup is worse than the crime but in this case both parts of it are disturbing, allegations of prostitution and
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pedophilia and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into, so the state department this morning is having to respond to those claims and those investigations about misconduct by state department officials including by an ambassador and security agent attached to then secretary of state hillary clinton and the allegations are these investigations were whitewashed, quashed all together and that those orders came from high up. nbc news has obtained documents related to ongoing investigations into some disturbing allegations involving state department personnel and at least one ambassador. state department memo says the ambassador "routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children." the memo also says a top state department official directed department investigators to "cease the investigation" into the ambassador's conduct. it's just one of what another document describes as "several
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examples of up due influence" from top state officials. on monday a state department spokesperson would not confirm specific investigations. >> i'm not going to talk about specific cases but i can say broadly the notion that we would not vigorously pursue criminal misconduct in any case is preposterous. >> reporter: a former investigator for the department's inspector general has complained to congress and the media that the investigations have not been thorough because of the pressure from those high level officials. >> we take every allegation of misconduct seriously and we look into it. >> reporter: it was less than six months ago that another major internal investigation painted hillary clinton's state department in a negative light, that scathing report on the failed diplomatic security procedures in the aftermath of the benghazi attack. >> what difference at this point does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened. >> as we noted the whistleblower in this case, a member of the inspector general investigative team at the state department,
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she's gone to congress demanding an investigation and it's our understanding congressman ed royce, the leader republican in house foreign relations says he does plan on having an investigation and no doubt hearings are probably going to come soon as well, savannah. >> chuck, where are we on this, at this point allegations from one whistleblower, have they been substantiated in any way? >> the whistleblower says that this report that the internal investigation having to do with how diplomatic security even investigated these allegations, that's where this scathing report came from, it's how the investigators somehow dropped the investigations, including into this ambassador and on to some other including folks part of security detail so the allegations themselves haven't been fully substantiated by us but this inspector general whistleblower believes the evidence was clear but the problem was the investigation wasn't done in time to find out for sure if this misconduct was happening. >> more to come on this for sure, chuck todd, thank you very much. all right and we are
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following new developments this morning on that story surrounding those secret government surveillance programs. this morning, there's word that the man who exposed that program has even more to reveal. andrea mitchell is nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondent. andrea, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt, the intelligence community is assessing the damage and trying to learn mr. edward snowden acted alone. critics are asking how he got through all the filters to be hired in the first place and why he was able to steal so many secrets undetected. the 29-year-old man who jolted the u.s. intelligence community is reportedly preparing to release more top secret documents. according to "the gartd's" glenn greenwald more sensitive information will be made public in the next several weeks or months. edward snowden is already a wanted man for revealing national security secrets and with snowden's last known address in the u.s., this rented house in hawaii but snowden and his girlfriend moved out last month according to a real estate agent. >> he mentioned that he worked for the government.
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>> reporter: agents visited his father's home near allentown, pennsylvania, monday and snowden's mother's house miles from nsa headquarters in ft. lee. >> he was a nice young man, very clean-cut, hard-working. >> reporter: snowden was last seen in hong kong speaking to glenn greenwald of "the guardian." the chinese territory has an extradition treaty with the u.s. but ian williams reports it means he could not be returned months. >> reporter: no action can be taken until there's a charge. >> reporter: in an interview with is, laura poitras thinks snowden came forward because "he didn't want to create a situation where he was anonymous and everyone would have investigated." snowden supporters rallying say he was a whistleblower. critics say that's not true.
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>> you don't copy classified documents and make a run for the border. >> all senators are invited to a briefing today in the face of congress narrowing these programs. >> andrea thank you. bill o'reilly author of the new book "kennedy's last days" good to see you, good morning. >> thank you. >> let's pick up where andrea just left off, edward snowden, does he deserve to be prosecuted or a whistleblower who deserves the protection? >> he violated u.s. law and he may have done a good thing, but jury is going to have to decide. whether awe rest him because he may have violated a law but done a good thing. it's gray area. you can violate the law sometimes and do a good thing but you have to convince the jury why you did what you did and why it was noble. >> he says it's important for people to know about this program so they can debate it.
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james clapper, the chief of intelligence says no, he's done severe damage to our national intelligence. >> i don't kno't know. how can i possibly know? i haven't seen the evidence. we don't know what the government's doing yet. we know what he says this guy, snowden, but we don't know if it's true so we have to see if the government is seizing everybody's e-mail. now if the government's doing that, the government's breaking the law. so this guy becomes a hero but if the government's got doing and the guy is lying then he's a criminal. >> we know the government is collecting data, mining data on the origin, destination, things like that. >> right. >> and the government says it's essential to our national security. if the government said we're listening in on phone calls. >> against the fourth amendments. >> but it's thwarted terrorist
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attacks. how would you feel? >> it's unconstitutional. you just can't say oh we're protecting everybody so we'll throw the constitution out the window. that's the key issue, 51% in a pew poll said they should monitor activity and 62% say they should investigate possible terrorist threats even if that means intruding on privacy so clearly they understand security doesn't come without a price. >> everybody understands that but you have to have definition and the definition is our constitution. it can't be seizing mass e-mail and sorting it out in utah. is it true?
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we don't know. unfortunately the obama administration doesn't tell us anything, if they are seizing mass e-mail under fisa warrants -- >> do you think there's less transparency under this administration than past administrations? >> i don't know. i don't know what happened in benghazi, i don't know what happened with the irs or james rosen. i don't know what happened and they won't tell us anything. >> you think those are unrelated stories that can't be tied together or do you think as some critics say this is a second term in full reverse because of abuses of power? >> all i know is it's chaos, scandal du jour. what day is it, tuesday? now we have hillary clinton running around with a belgian ambassador. >> we'll have a full segment in an hour in your new book about kennedy. when you deal with a subject line jfk, for a group of readers too young to remember jfk or jfk junior, how do you make it relatable to them? >> pictures.
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we have stunning pictures in this kids book called "kennedy's last days," and you see the glamour of jfk and jackie and they see real people and the villain oswald. you have to arrest the children's attention by visuals in the age of the internet. that's what we've been able to do in this book. when they get interested in those people they want to find out what happened to them. >> we'll talk at greater length about that. >> i'm in your dressing room? i get to use your dressing room. look at lauer, i don't want anybody in that dressing room. >> the drawers are locked. >> with bolts. >> appreciate it. savannah. >> matt, thank you. there is new activity at the south african hospital where nelson mandela is being treated. more family is arriving. south africa's current president gave an update on his condition. keir simmons is in pretoria, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that update from south africa's
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president said he met with the medical team last night and that he is confident they are doing their best to make nelson mandela better. they have increased the security here, the policing, we think in order to protect nelson mandela and also to protect visitors to him. in the last hour or so we have seen winnie mandela, his ex-wife, wife of 27 years come to the hospital for a second day and one of his daughters who is ambassador to argentina for south africa we understand has been flying back here to be at the hospital, and nelson mandela's current wife hasn't been seen since saturday when nelson mandela was rushed to the hospital. we believe she is by his bedside. you get the sense of the family gathering around, this fathers of the nation, his children and grandchildren around him as doctors administer intensive care but still as we understand it, no sign of improvement.
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i just want to read you, savannah, one statement this morning from the former archbishop desmond tutu and fellow nobel prize winner. he is saying in his statement he is praying for nelson mandela's comfort and dignity and saying we offer thanks to god for the extraordinary gift of mr. mandela, and wish his family strength. >> keir simmons, thank you very much. natalie has new information on a hot button issue. the federal government will not stop women of any age from buying the so-called morning after pill without a prescription. the obama administration says it will comply with the new york judge's order allowing unrestricted purchase of the emergency contraceptive. riot police in istanbul are cracking down on protesters as clashes break out. richard engel is in taksim square with the latest. >> reporter: the clashes are
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ongoing, the air is thick with tear gas and black smoke from barricades that the protesters set on fire. today prime ministerered began thanked his security forces for launching this crackdown and said it would continue. just before 7:00 a.m. riot police moved in. it's the largest open area in the city. there are hundreds of riot police here in taksim, the air is thick with tear gas. the police came in this morning expecting clashes, and now they've got them. but despite all the gas the protesters fought back throwing stones and molotov cocktails, but why all of this? it started two weeks ago with a small demonstration against government plans to bulldoze a park near taksim square, but it was blown well beyond that now. it has become a movement against
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prime minister ergogan, a strong democratically elected u.s. ally. demonstrators say he's too authoritarian but he has a huge base of support. in fact the government seems surprised a protest over a park has grown into the biggest clashes. this is normally the center of a tourist area here in istanbul. now all of the hotels are empty. we saw tourists leaving, covering their noses and mouths because of the black smoke, you can see it billowing mind me. the air is still stinging because of the tear gas. tonight demonstrators say they're going to come back here and challenge the police in force with a big demonstration. natalie? >> richard engel, in istanbul take care of yourself. iraq is seeing its deadliest violence in years. six troop members were killed taking the death toll in attacks across the country to 63. government officials are pointing their fingers at the
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sunni insurgents linked to al qaeda. potential jurors are asked what they know about the death of trayvon martin. george zimmerman says he killed martin in self-defense. it is expected to be a lengthy jury selection process. zimmerman was in court as the process again. president obama will speak about the importance of immigration reform today. the president is meeting with business and labor leaders to push his plan that will create a path to citizenship for 11 million people and the full senate will take its first vote on the plan this afternoon. a southwest airlines flight heading from los angeles to texas had to be diverted to phoenix on monday after a bomb threat was phoned in. this according to the fbi. bomb squad and police dog unit met the plane on the tarmac in arizona, but the plane landed without incident. now let's head to wall street, mary thompson. what do consumers need to know? >> a couple of things about
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apple. markets are tumbling after the bank of japan kept its stimulus effort as is. investors feel the global recovery may stall. right now the dow is off 136 points. apple is launching a radio service called i-radio and sony is pricing its playstation 4 $100 less than the xbox 1. and the mysterious incident at 26,000 feet forced an air china passenger jet to make an emergency landing. the entire nose of that boeing 757 is dented in. the pilot said the plane wasn't performing well and a loud bang was heard from the front of the aircraft. was it a bird strike that caused the dent? experts say they don't believe so, as you see there are no signs of blood or feathers left on the damaged cone.
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the plane did land safely. fortunately, no one was injured. mystery continues. theories anyone? >> superman. >> friday, coincidentally. >> natalie, thank you. >> mr. roker? we have heat to talk about. first take a look outside at chicago last night. this was at wrigley field and they had a little trouble with the reds the chicago cubs playing. you make the call. >> out to left, caught by paul. >> maybe. >> i wasn't sure if it was a home run or the guys almost got hit by it. couldn't see it coming. >> true. let's go out west where we're talking about a lot of heat. i mean, record highs today. temperatures well over 100 degrees in the southwest. slight risk of strong storms as we make our way through the plains. wet weather in new england. the heat continues with sunshine through the southeast. atlanta will probably see its first 90 degree day of the season. we'll get your local forecast in just a moment after the next 30 seconds.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. we have return of the low clouds, onshore flow rather robust this morning. as a result, one-hour flight delays out of sfo. the same overcast sky over san jose. temperatures in the 50s. a beautiful day shaping up. temperatures will be in the 70s around the bay, 73 for oakland, 81. we'll hit the 60s at the coast,
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warming into the end of the week. your latest weather. thank you, coming up, tim tebow's resurrected football career. where tebow mania is landing this morning and what fans have to say about that. >> what jet fan versus to say about it. when will it reopen? the work underway to for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created... a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more.. low and no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know... exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks... with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories... america's beverage companies are delivering.
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turn more of the money you spend into money you invest. it's everyday reinvesting for your personal economy. time is 7:26. good morning, i'm jon kelley. a house fire breaks out and a firefighter is injured in san francisco's bay district. the fire broke out in a vacant home and also damaged a neighboring home. the firefighter was apparently injured when a set of stairs collapsed beneath him. students at san jose state university are on alert after a man exposed himself to a female student on campus. this all happened just before 10:00 last night at duncan hall. that's right near campus police headquarters. officers say the man exposed himself and ran away from the student t. santa clara county district attorney will announce the biggest gang bust in county history this morning. a grand jury is indicting 48
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alleged gang members accused of selling drugs, robbing banks and committing murder. the announcement6"ó expected to come at about 10:30 this morning. that bust coming just as the san jose city council will approve a budget today to put more officers out on the streets. a police june juunion spokesman they need to improve pay because officers are leaving faster than they can be replaced. christina loren telling us today, if you have a chance, you'll want to get outside. it's going to be nice. >> it really is, john. good morning to you. starting with the reason why. inland. natural ac turned back on. temperatures will be comfortable. the only caveat, slight delays out of we'll let you know if anything changes. they should lift by about 10:00, 11:00 a.m. as the fog is expected to clear. 81 on the way to livermore. 62 in san francisco and warmer finish to the week. i'm watching the shot behind
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you, everybody trying to get over. it looks dangerous. >> not a great place for the exchange of lanes. this is north 101 north of 680. we also show a slower drive here on the map. 101 bears the brunt of the commute. 85 at evelyn a new crash. southbound toward union city coming across the san mateo bridge. a new crash in the westbound commute direction. sounds like it's approaching the high-rise. might be involving a motorcycle. >> thank you mike. we'll have a local update in a half hour from now. hope to see you then.
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act at 7:30 on a tuesday morning, the 11th day of june, 2013. there's a shot of the majestic washington monument. you may recall that has been closed to the public for nearly two years after damage it sustained in an earthquake. well, now it's receiving much needed repair. we'll take you inside and high above for an exclusive look at the work that is and has been done, or is being and has been done. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie. al roker and natalie morales. he changed in stephanie. >> al is here in spirit and stephanie physically. mont
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mosquitos are said to be 20 times bigger than normal ones. natalie begins itching. >> it is accepted on the football field but apparently not so much in court. what former nfl star chad johnson said about receiving 30 days in jail for giving his attorney a slap on the backside. and tim tebow just landed a new job with the new england patriots s. stephanie is a patriots fan. she has the story for us. stephanie, good morning. >> i am. amount of people thought tebow's career is over. but he lives to play again. down here in new york you could almost feel new england's collective shock. headlines have never been tim tebow's problem. within minutes of the reports, "the boston globe" read, pat sign qb, tim tebow. yes -- tim tebow.
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>> i'm under whelmed. >> he was dumped by the jets after a terrible season as quarterback. totals, 39 yards, zero touchdowns. compare that to the patriots qb tom brady. nearly 5,000 yards and 34 touchdowns. new england is probably banking on tebow's record before last season. >> he were putting up some points. >> i was. >> heisman trophy in college and blessed season with the broncos. and the move that made him famous. football fans were in love. a cute smile didn't hurt. tebow graced "sports illustrated" and gq. but the patriots already have quarterback tom brady, who does all those things. with even more gq covers,
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supermodel wife, sweet little kids. >> fans have not gone away. they're a huge fan base. think haven't shrunk in any regard. >> new england's team doesn't need the attention. but head coach bill belichick must have a plan. can he figure out what to do with tim tebow? fans of the game and probably a few who aren't, will be watching. >> god help us out. >> if he finds success in new england after leaving new york it will likely be sweeter. >> that was a mean piece. mocking comparisons to brady? >> gq covers. >> not the gq covers, it's the touchdowns. thank you. >> we want to head outside for the aforementioned, mr. roker. >> we have girl scouts in laredo, texas hanging out.
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everybody hanging out. did you guys bring any cookies. >> yes. >> thin mints and the shortbread. now we're talking. it is hot. sizzling in the midsection of the country. big ridge of high pressure keeping the jet stream up to the north. dodge city, 106. amarillo, 98. but we move to the east. look at these temperatures. st. louis, 96. 97 in memphis. atlanta going to have its first 90-plus degree today. montgomery, 95. new orleans, hot, humid, and 92 degrees. that will make your girl scout cookies soggy, right? are you happy to be good tuesday morning to you. the time now is 7:34. we've got a thick layer of stratus clouds right over san jose this morning, but they are starting, slowly but surely to
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break apart. we're seeing a nice day because of all the low cloud cover. temperatures will only end up in the low 80s. a little below average for this time of year. 79 in concord, 62 degrees on the way to san francisco. we have warmer days headed our way, particularly friday and saturday. we'll cool you off, back to the 70s on father's day. hey, did you know the best place to get your weather? savannah? >> al, thank you. hillary clinton may be taking a break from public life but she has found a way to stay in the spotlight. the former secretary of state just joined twitter. i'll take it from here. with a single tweet, hillary clinton set the twitter sphere on file. >> in three hours hillary clinton had more than every senator and almost every member of congress.
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>> the secretary of state thanks the two bloggers behind texts from hillary, famous for assume internet posts. she tries to keep them laughing, describing herself as not only wife and mom, first lady and secretary of state, but hair icon and paint suit officianado. her fashion claim to fame daughter chelsea said, welcome back. and bill clinton ask, does twitter have a family share plan? >> do you tweet? >> no. what you if you tweet and nobody tweets back? >> not a problem. the former president now has more than 700,000 followers, one measure of modern day relevance. >> it's like sending press releases through a fax machine.
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it seems out of date. >> it's the final part of her bio, simply tbd, that will have washington wondering. >> the only people to blame for the tbd is twitter itself. she was at 157 and she had to kind of sum up the rest of her life in three letters. tbd just made sense. >> oh, so that's the explanation. they ran out of characters. >> yeah. >> tbd. >> she is one character. >> she's off and running. do you think she's going to keep this up? >> off and running on twitter. >> the big question, are they the ones tweeting or a staff member? >> you can kind of tell when it's the staffer. we shall see. >> up next, exclusive look at the facelift for the washington monument.
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with less pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. back now at 7:42. a look at the repair work to fix the washington monument almost two years after it was damaged by an earthquake. tom has been given remarkable access to this project. tom, good morning to you. >> good morning. if you're bringing the kids to washington in the summer to see the sights, this is the way the washington monument will look. it's closed and wrapped in scaffolding. we got a chance to tag along with the experts. even wrapped in scaffolding it's an incredible piece of architecture. at 555 feet it's the tallest stone masonry structure in the
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world. hundreds of feet off the ground, breathtaking views of the national mall and washington's other iconic memorials. now a repair job to fix the nation's tribute to it's first president. it was august 23rd, 2011 when a 5.8 earthquake rattled washington and shook the monument. pieces of masonry falling to the ground. cracks large enough to let daylight in stretched across the stones. water pelted the interior stairs. an inspection team soon began a careful examination. >> we had to go through and check every rock. every stone on the building. >> among their findings, one stone had actually shifted out of line but overall the monument is structurally sound. the heaviest damage was at the top. >> we're seeing very similar fracturing. >> to fix it, pieces to replace chipped and fractured stones will come in from the original stone quarry in maryland.
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>> we'll have a good mortar mixture that allows it to perform but also allow it to breathe, if you will. >> reporter: workers ride a hoist for the first 491 feet. then climb a ladder to the pyramid. >> you're good to go. >> reporter: we tagged along as newly sworn in interior secretary climbed to the top for an inspection. >> the view is incredible up there. absolutely incredible. you can't help but feel patriotic. you can't help but marvel at the work that was done. >> reporter: the price tag for the repairs, $15 million. billionaire history buff david rubenstein is picking up half the tab. >> it's a gift to the country as a payment for the good fortune i have had. >> reporter: a major repair job and a little tlc for one of the nation's most enduring monuments to a beloved first president.
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600,000 people visit the washington monument every year. they hope to have it reopen by spring. in the meantime they'll wrap it in beautiful ordinary reason mental lighting so come the forgot of july it should be a sight to behold at night. back to you. >> fascinating stuff. >> good idea making the best of that situation. coming up, a former football star gets prison time for tapping his attorney on the toosh. it was an overreaction or did he have it coming. >> i sensed a bit of hesitation on your part with that word. up next, massive monsquitos in florida. after this. don't worry, i'll show you. in case i forget to say thank you. let's get together. grab some tools. and bring it in on budget. we did good. great job. now what? more saving. more doing.
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that's the power of the home depot. this ryobi one+drill and impact driver combo kit, now just 99 bucks. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to find out we filled this car with smelly trash, left it under the hot desert sun, attached a febreze car vent clip,
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and let in real people. it smells good. like clean laundry. like driving through beautiful tropical... palm trees with like fruit hanging. i wish my car smelled like this. [ both laugh ] i could sit in this all day. [ laughs ] proof. febreze car vent clips eliminate even the toughest odors. another way febreze helps you breathe happy. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate
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is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. is difficult. i wanted to ask you a couple questions.card. i've got nothing to hide. my bill's due today and i haven't paid yet. you can pay up 'til midnight online or by phone the day it's due. got a witness to verify that? just you. you called me. ok, that checks out. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with payment flexibility. here to take your lettuce from drab to fab with new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. first, thaw your dressing. next, steam your grilled chicken and veggies. then, dress it. add your crunchy toppings. and voila. enjoy.
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well, if you thought the cicadas were bad, wait, monster mosquitos are popping up in florida and more could be on the way. gabe is in lehigh acres. good morning to you. >> good morning. we're here at the control lab. take a look. this is what an average mosquito looks like. compare that to this. not what you want to see at your
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backyard barbecue. >> reporter: like every summer, florida is buzzing. >> mosquitos. i got out of the truck and got bitten like five times. just really bad. >> reporter: but this year could go from bad to worse. monster mosquitos like these, roughly the size of a quarter are now being spotted in seminole county near orlando. they're 20 times the size of a typical mosquito. >> i think of it as a teradactyl of the mosquito road. >> they're known as gallinipers but unlike the cut classic movie mosquito, the insects in florida aren't mutants and aren't dangerous. >> it's not a disease factor. the scary thing is the size and the painfulness of it's bite. >> reporter: the mosquito can be
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found every year in a large chunk of the u.s. but florida could see a population explosion this summer after heavy rain from tropical storm andrea and last year's tropical storm debbie. >> they can lay their eggs and the eggs can lay dormant for several years and then when a large rainfall event comes or something else that floods them, then they hatch. >> reporter: maybe not aball out invasion but a large enough nuisance to catch people's attention. >> not going to be fun. >> reporter: even in florida. experts say that bug spray is the best way to ward off the mosquitos. >> good job. you freaked us out. >> can you imagine if they ban together and start carrying off small dogs. >> i think they just started tweeting. coming up, pregnant boys? the eye catching new campaign to reduce teen pregnancy is trending this morning. >> plus, we're going to actually check out a way to sing on a
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plane to try to alleviate dramatic tension after hours on the tarmac. and finding out what it really means to be an only child. america! land of the free and home of the mouth-watering ball park frank... grilled on the flames of liberty... and named after our national pastime. ball parks are made with 100% angus beef... and just a dash of democracy. mmm... so when someone asks you, "hey are you free to eat a great tasting ball park frank this weekend?" that's when you say, of course, i'm free... i'm an american. ball park franks. so american you can taste it.
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i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. look the samsung galaxy s4. phones it's like what i've got. look how big the screen is! that is big. and, walmart will give you a $50 gift card when you get the phone. sold! get the latest smart phones on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network, and get a $50 gift card. walmart. otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away.
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♪ suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ i' suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. 'm a hard, hard ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker and i'm working every day. ♪ ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker and i'm saving all my pay. ♪ ♪ if i ever get some money put away, ♪ ♪ i'm going to take it all out and celebrate. ♪ ♪ i'm a hard, hard worker... ♪ membership rallied millions of us on small business saturday to make shopping small, huge. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads
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work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. pores...shrink 'em down to size! [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. neutrogena.® hey there, henderson family. i'm your rav4 genie. your wish is my command. i wish the old spare tire was gone. out of everything in the...okay. [ snaps fingers ] oh no, i meant... i wish animals could talk. much better. i wish the old spare tire was gone. [ laughs ] next. i want you to avenge my father's death. [ all shouting ] i'm right... i'm right here! i said infinite wishes. i heard witches. can i just have my first wish? [ fingers snap ] [ male announcer ] the all-new rav4. toyota. let's go places.
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the time is 7:56. i'm jon kelley. breaking news going on right now in san jose where nearly 4,000 pg&e customers are without power. the outage happening about an hour ago. pg&e says it's heard reports of a car into a power pole causing the outage. right now they're looking to see if that's actually the case. again, 4,000 customers in san jose without power this morning. no word yet when that power will be restored. also today, an alarming9,0? trend happening on muni buses. the agency trying to figure out why riders are kicking open rear doors and jumping out of the bus while it's still rolling. this happened 15 times in the past week and a half alone. offense and they plan to increase their presence on the bus lines by using plainclothes police officers. brace yourself for a feel-good tuesday outside. christina loren to show and tell the details.
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>> it's going to be so nice today, john, once we get rid of all these low clouds. this sunol. i wanted to start to show you how far to the east they have moved inland, almost touching the hills in sunol. temperatures are nice and crisp to start. high pressure moving back in for today. not as humid. the care will be more crisp, comfortable breeze shaping up. highs will work like this. plenty of 50s an 60s on the coast, bay side. 60s and 70s, meanwhile 70s and 80s inland. we'll have your seven-day forecast in a few minutes. right now check your commute with mike. >> a crash toward the bottom of your screen past our camera range, slow from basically novato in towards san rafael. that's kind of the same situation we've had yesterday. we're looking at a slow dive for west 80 where there's a crash moved to the shoulder. right around the race track and still the crash goes in on west 92. all the lanes are cleared.
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back to you. >> back at 8:26 with another local news update. we'll have that for you in one-half hour. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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it's for value seekers. for spicy italian lovers. for veggie eaters. for meatball dreamers. for everyone who wants more of what they love. the new $4 lunch. a 6 inch sub and 21 ounce drink.
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tons to choose from. all day every day. right now on this tuesday morning, it's the 11th of june 2013 as we come outside to say hello out here on a pretty spring day. a little humid but a pretty day nonetheless and we're playing m maroon 5 because if you come out friday you'll see them. part of the concert series on today. >> if you're in town, get here early. it's going to get crowded. >> i'm along side matt lauer and al roker. have you heard about what happened to chad johnson in
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court. he was about to get a plea agreement on a domestic violence charge when he thanked his attorney by giving him a love tap on the tooshy. the judge didn't think that was amusing and revoked the plea agreement and sent him to jail for 30 days. we'll get into whether that was the right call or overreaction. >> also bill o'reilly is here. he has a new book out on the life and assassination of jfk. we'll talk to him about what he has been very successful at doing. bringing these important stories from american history to a brand new generation. >> and a young woman that just graduated high school is on her way to big things. would you like to be able to charge your phone in 20 seconds? >> yes. >> that will help you do it. we'll talk to her about how she came up with it and get her story. >> before we get to that, a check on the headlines. natalie sat the news desk. good morning. we're learning there maybe more
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revelations to come from the leaked documents pulled from the nsa surveillance programs. a manhunt is underway looking for edward snowden that gave secret documents to a reporter in hong kong. that reporter, glenn greenwald says significant new information will come out over the next few weeks. iraq is seeing it's deadliest wave of violence in years. car bombs aimed at police and soldiers killed six troops today taking the death toll in attacks across that country since monday to 63. no one claimed responsibility for the bombs but they're pointing the finger at insurgents linked to alaba qaed >> potential jurors are coming face to face with george zimmerman as they're asked about trayvon martin. >> reporter: the state charged george zimmerman with second degree murder but george zimmerman contends he shot and killed trayvon martin in
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self-defense after martin attacked him. if today is anything like yesterday it's going to take much longer than two weeks to seat a jury of six. >> in the case against george zimmerman, the perspective jurors identities by order of the court are concealed but lawyers say the jurors chosen to sit here often where a trial is won or lost. >> the bottom line is you're like a blank slate. >> reporter: the prosecutor and the defense. >> i'd like you to tell me one or two other things you heard about this case. >> reporter: their main focus, how much do potential jurors think they already know about the case. >> it was two people being in the wrong place at the wrong time and two people instigated something that probably could have been avoided. >> and there was like a struggle and the gun went off and then the young man died and zimmerman was injured through the struggle. >> reporter: but on monday lawyers vetted only 4 of the 500
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summoned for jury duty. according to census data, a majority of those that live here are white. that concerns the parents of trayvon martin shot and killed by zimmerman. >> what if a six member jury is chosen and there's no blax on there. >> would that represent the community. if it's supposed to represent the community, is that representing the community is it's all whites? >> reporter: george zimmerman's attorney say they have a jury consultant but they believe there will be a fair jury seated for this trial. thank you kerry. and the stunt gone wrong in canada. kenny mcclain and his buddies were trying to jump a jeep over their backyard pool but as you see, it looked more like a demolition derby when the car went right in.
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amazingly the jeep still runs fine. it is 8:05. let's go back out to al with a check of the weather. >> i don't think they were planning to jump that thing. it's so low. the little ramp. they had to figure that out, or not, i guess. hey we got guys from the air force here. how's it going guys. >> just got back from mt. everest. took the air force flag up to the summit. enjoying our time in new york right now. >> very cool. thank you for your service. god bless. let's show you what we got as far as today is concerned. pick city today, doe than, alabama, wrgx, welcome to the family. sunny, hot, 96 degrees. a toasty one. we're looking at wet we making it's way through new england. plenty of sunshine through the south. atlanta seeing it's first 90 degree day.
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record highs in the central plains. wet weather makes it's way into the pacific northwest. folks here trying to tell people to sign up to be organ donors. >> yeah. > there you go. 8:06 now, you need to tuesday. you have got a beautiful day shaping up, courtesy of the low clouds that pushed inland, san jose. already starting to see the sun break through those clouds and we are about two hours away from full sunshine in san jose, about 3 1/2 hours away from the same full sunshine over san francisco. it's going to be a nice second half of the day. temperatures will be nice and cool with all that cloud cover to start and limited sunshine right off the bat. 73 for fremont, 76 comfortable temperatures, oh, all week long and then going to heat you up just a little bit for saturday. savannah. and that's your latest weather. thank you. coming up on trending, is your coffee habit a mental illness? we'll tell you what the experts are saying. >> and bill o'reilly on bringing
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cam lot and jfk's legacy to a new generation. >> and the surprising advantages to being an only child. we'll have that story and more. but first, these messages. [ female announcer ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪
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bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. that can only be best foods. thousands of cancer patients attention, can't afford to stay near the best treatment centers. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. text "room" to 41518 to donate ten dollars to the american cancer society. have led to an increase intands clinical depression. drug and alcohol abuse is up. and those dealing with grief don't have access to the professional help they need. when you see these issues, do you want to walk away or step up? with a degree in the field of counseling or psychology from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. let's get started at ♪ but i won't do that
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♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, back now 8:10 on a tuesday morning with with what's trending today. trending on google, there's mixed reaction to apple's big move on monday. the company unveiled the biggest redesign for its iphone software, along with streaming radio service. lots of critics out there. let's bring in jim kramer, host of "mad money" on cnbc. now every time apple does something, critics jump up. what's your make on this? >> you have it dead right, matt. if it were any other company we
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might say look at these really interesting features. maybe this is something i ought to take a look at. it's apple. we didn't get the omg or the wow. people say, okay, maybe they're one step ahead of the posse. maybe they're not. >> they definitely put a fine point on it. tim cooke kills post steve jobs apple. what does this mean for the stock for shareholders and those considering whether or not to become a shareholder? >> it can't move the needle. what we're used to is something we never thought about having. you think, holy cow, how did it live behind that? the ios 7, i don't feel like it has that pizzazz. i don't want a phone that necessarily just looks great. >> trending on the website of wall street journal, sobering news for coffee lovers.
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catch feign now forms the basis for a mental health disorder. intoxication and withdrawal are now included in the mental health bible known by professionals known as the dsm-v. you should see me without coffee. the news does not come without controversy. for people who refuse completely to give it up, doctors recommend interval and limiting intake. >> this is the first thing you do is run for the coffee pot. >> that is correct. before anything else, i get play on the coffee maker. >> play. >> sounds exciting. >> so, anyway, i don't know. if loving coffee is wrong -- >> you don't want to be right. >> exactly.
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a provacative plan to combat teen parenthood. the ad says unexpected? most teen pregnancies are. the pictures are plastered all over the city specifically in areas around high schools and communities with a high teen birth rate. officials in chicago say they were inspired by a similar campaign in milwaukee. this was the most discussed and most shared story on facebook on monday. it is shocking to see those images. absolutely. >> all right. trending today on huffington post, a lesson in keeping your cool under pressure. if you've ever been stuck on an airplane, you know how stressful that can be. a group of passengers on flight 592 on sunday vented their anger in a surprisingly musical way.
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♪ they spent several hours on the tarmac with no air-conditioning sings r. kelly's "i believe i can fly." finally, after four hours, the flight finally took off. all right. and that's what's trending today. >> let's send it over to matt. this november will mark the 50th anniversary of president kennedy's assassination. fox news's bill o'reilly is introducing life and legacy in his new book, kennedy's last days. bill, good morning again. good to see you. i like this as a parent's deal book. you want to read diary of a wimp
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can kid, you read one of these first and i'll make you that day. >> when we were going to school we knew who the icons of american history were. we didn't know what they did. >> they know the more recent icons. >> they know jay-z or lady gaga. but say abraham lincoln and they don't know what he did. >> how do you talk down to that age group? >> i talk down to everybody. >> you'll turn them off if you talk down too much. >> no, no, no. first of all, you have to drag them off the internet because they're like zombies. and you get their attention. you do that visually. in kennedy's last days, we have great pictures of jfk and jackie
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and the kids, oswald, everybody. so they see the pictures. then they want to know the story. in addition, we make the movies. lincoln's last days is out in dvd and blu-ray. and the movie is fun to watch. i recommend for lincoln you watch the movie, then read the book. kennedy movie isn't out yet. >> as you look at significance, 50 years coming up on that, you were how old? >> i was 12. >> you were sitting in school somewhere. >> minute hola, new york. i remember exactly where i was. came over the loud speaker. the principal said the president has been shot in dallas. we all froze. and everybody my age and i would say over 40 know where they were. >> we describe it as a loss of innocence. we were too young for it to be a loss of innocence. how did it impact you? >> my mother's maiden name, her
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family is kept i did. so there's a lot of emotion in my family about kennedy. when he was killed, i didn't quite understand the implication of it as a 12-year-old. but i knew it was bad. i knew the country was changing. i knew it was a topic of discussion. but i couldn't put it in perspective. that's what i'm trying to do with these books to show kids today, look, there's a great man. fk was a great man. so was lincoln. learn about them. >> it would seem almost a never-ending supply for these books. >> we're going into jesus next. >> who else is on your wish list? >> we can't say because of competitive reasons. we will do three more history books. jesus out in september. but then kids books associated with it. my mission as a former history
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teacher is to get the urchins involved in their country. because if they don't know that they'll be at a loss when they become adults. so you have to get them between the age of 8 and 12 and get them involved in their country. and you do it by giving them fun stuff. kennedy's last days, even though it's a bad subject, is a fun, interesting read for children. >> i end on disagreement with you. i ended on lincoln. and i don't think you talk down to kids in it. my son will be reading it this summer. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> kennedy's last days. it is out. over to savannah. we all know football is a contact sport. but chad johnson may have regrets after pulling a move typically reserved for the field in a florida courtroom. >> it was the butt slap heard
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around the courtroom. >> mr. johnson, i don't know if you're taking this seriously. is there something funny about what's going on here today? >> former pro football player and "dancing with the stars" castmate chad johnson was placed on probation last year after bleeding no contest to a charge of head-butting by his then wife tv reality star. having reached a plea deal for community service instead of jail, he whispered good job while making the fateful move. >> i think he's just relieved. >> i'm not going to accept his plea negotiation. i don't think there's anything funny about it. i don't think this is a joke. >> with that he was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
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hours later he tweeted love me through the good and the bad because i'm going to love you regardless. see you in 30. so, what was the judge in this case too harsh or did johnson have it coming? guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> well, let me put it to you. do you think the judge was right to revoke the plea deal? >> it was a travesty. the judge south side to chad, are you happy with your lawyer because your lawyer did a great job. he said yeah, and did that. to then throw him in jail because of that, talk about frightening. that is inappropriate. >> that would be my only reason for sitting him. >> she was basically giving probation. and the question went good job. >> let's be real clear. on the football field, that behavior is acceptable. in a courtroom, you can be held in con temp. the judge may have overreacted. >> may?
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>> excuse me, may have overreacted because 30 days is ridiculous. >> don't you think there should be decorum? >> because he is an athlete, that's what guys do. >> we are in a courtroom. >> but it's a subtle thing. i didn't know we lived in a fascist society. >> the decorum demands attention to the detail and to take seriously what's going on. he was in court because he was given probation for head-butting his wife. that's the point. >> not a sentence fog the tushie tap but whether or not he's taking this serious and a plea agreement with no jail time. >> by the way, i would have commended that. domestic violence is disgusting,
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obviously. but if you look at his face, he was actually shocked. he wasn't doing it in a mocking way. >> that is the point. it was a teachable moment. the judge should have given him community service for other kids for their first time screwing up. because this guy right here, he has lost his wife, he has lost his career. now he has lost his freedom. talk about freedom. >> does she make the same decision for a white man? >> lindsay lohan has done everything wrong. she's still not in jail. >> apparently he didn't see his probation officer and she extended his probation. maybe it was the final straw. >> bad choices, savannah. when you make bad choices, you end up 30 days. >> wow. you guys can agree to disagree. >> i didn't get the yellow memo,
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by the way. >> next time. who doesn't hate waiting for their cell phone battery to recharge? isha may have a good solution to that. >> she developed a device that could one day juice up your device in as little as 20 session. did we mention, she just graduated from high school last week? good morning. >> good morning. >> this could be a "game change"er. the semi conductor. you have it in your hand. how did you come up with that idea? >> i'm a teenager and my cell phone always dies. >> can you hold it up to our camera to get a shot of that. >> i read this could be a "game change"er. my second thought was, this sounds too good to be true. is it too good to be true? >> a little bit. but i think it's working. it charges very quickly. it stores a lot of energy. it's really a lot thinner. >> so let's say you work with a company or a company comes.
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how soon before we can use this to be able to charge our cell phone in 20 seconds? >> i think it will take a couple years more. there's a lot more to be done with the device. but it's coming soon in the future. >> and you just won intel's huge international science fair. you got a $50,000 prize. you came in second place. have major companies been reaching out to you about this technology? >> they have been. i'm looking to continue my education at harvard this fall. >> do you have any other ideas in your mind that you would like to whisper in my ear? anything else you're working to for the future? >> right now just my education. >> are you going to major in science? >> possibly. but i'm really open. i have a lot of interests. so we'll see what i do in the future. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> baldness would be good. coming up, is being a single child actually better than being
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a sibling? and a live performance from the one and only andrea bocelli.
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at 8:26, continue to follow breaking news in santa clara. police investigating a deadly industrial accident at the new 49ers stadium. live pictures from above the scene. breaking details still coming into our newsroom but here's what we know. our crews there tells us an elevator worker was hit by a counterweight and killed this morning. construction site is actually closed for the day. again, a deadly industrial accident at the new 49ers stadium under construction. we are going too bring you any new information on this breaking news story throughout the morning as we have a reporter on the scene right now gathering that for us. the many time, check the morning commute as folks are heading out the door, check in with mike. >> good morning, laura. take you for this live shot, san
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shows a101, traffic starting to thin out, different for a traffic tuesday, we have one issue around the shoulder, not presenting a problem. another crash northbound, north of yorba buena. gentle flowing the northbound route. light for a tuesday. continuing hayward into union city the earlier crash at the san mateo toll plaza continues. a lighter volume of traffic there, south 101 university, earlier crash caused a slowdown but now your typical buildup. back to you. >> thank you very much. and thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in half an hour. another look at your forecast then, too.
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it's 8:30 on a tuesday morning. the 11th day of june, 2013. a muggy on the plaza but skies are cleerg after major rain on monday. they're waving to their friends and family members back home. we appreciate them stopping by. matt lauer with savannah guthrie, natalie morales and al roker. coming up we'll get into the only child debate. >> there was a stereo type that
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only children might be loanny and some thought they were more self-absorbed and a lot of couples feel pressured to have additional kids so their childs will have a sibling. a new author takes that on. she is a mother of one and has an only child herself. we'll talk to her coming up. >> she has cooked for the royals. he just finished cooking for the president. bobby flay will be taking on all the problems in the kitchen including the dreaded sticking. >> and do you cook corn on the cob on the grill with the husk or without the husk. >> oh, really. >> disagreement right here. >> we're going to go inside for a live performance by andrea
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bocelli. but first a look at the weather with mr. roker. >> wet weather moving through new england. temperatures reaching record high levels from the rockies into the central plains. sunny and 79. rain into the pacific northwest tomorrow. more strong storms through the upper midwest. rain continues through the northeast. look for the heat to continue in the southeast gulf coast sizzling from texas into the southwest and more showers in 8:32 now. happy tuesday tour got a good looking day shaping up, mostly cloudy still over the golden gate bridge, but you now clearly see both towers about an hour and a half two hours away from clearing there. meanwhile, already starting to see that blue sky open up over sin noel. beautiful day shaping up, 80 on the way to livermore, 79, concord, 73 fremont, 62 today in san francisco. getting into the end of the week, we will warm you up, but
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not by much, about going to drop you back down to the 70s on father's day. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. and that's the latest weather. let's head down to one of the great washington monuments. my pal willy. >> it's birthday time on the great today show. america's number one show. raleigh, as in north carolina. 100 years old today. he loves spirits. didn't say what kind so we'll just assume in the spirit realm. catherine, i love that name, she is from wallkill, new york. 100 years old today. she loves elephants. any kind of elephant. she doesn't say if she is a republican or democrat. she might like donkeys too. here comes charlie. everybody's favorite charlie. charlie bowen and he's from dalton, georgia. they make carpets down there. 100 years old today.
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he's active and the people down there are proud of him. take a look at burla lily. she is from independence, missouri, that was harry truman's hometown. she can do the tanga and cha-cha-cha. charlie green from newport richey, florida. 100 years old today. wish him a happy birthday this day. indian land, south carolina. that's another nice little town. we have myrtle edwards. 100 years old today. myrtle loves arts and crafts and does it very well. that's speaking of arts and crafts, here's a crafty bunch of artists, back to new york. coming up next, is the
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secret to having it all just having one child? we'll debate it. but first, this is today on nbc. ready?
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happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go.
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that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. we're back at 8:37 with the question many couples struggle with. how many children should you have? an ad in this weekend's new york times is one of the most e-mailed stories this morning. written by lauren sandler an only child herself and mother of one. it explores the stereo types of raising siblingless kids. we'll talk to her in a moment. but first her story. >> i have a five-year-old daughter. she's a lot of fun. she's my only child. at least for now. we're really happy the three of us. i mean, i can imagine wanting to have another child. i love babies and i know she would be an incredible older sibling but the three of us have a very special relationship.
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we're very close. i really loved my only childhood. i got to have my parent's attention without them having to divide it too much. they were engaged with me. i don't recall wishing i had a sibling when i was a kid. when i was an adolescent i sometimes wanted a teammate and now that i'm older and i think about confronting my parents aging alone. that's a little bit of a stress. my mother's feeling was that in order to be a really good mother she had to be a really happy person and for her, these were choices that made sense to her and i think that as parents and especially mothers, we lose sight of our own happiness so easily and it's something that i'm really trying to protect not just for myself but also for my whole family. honestly the only way you can make those choices is to know yourself and know your kid and to listen to your heart. >> and lauren sandler is with us
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now. her new book is called one and only. the freedom of having an only child and the joy of being one. lauren, dpoorng, it's good to see you. >> good morning. >> this is such an interesting topic. the first question i have is do you think there's still that stigma about being an only child or having just one child? >> totally. it's like the only stereo type that survived political correctness and what's interest as good how erroneous it is. there are so many studies, hundreds of them done over decades that shows that only children aren't that different than anyone else. >> the wrap always was maybe they're lonely and some said they're more self-absorbed, the theory being they don't have to compete with their siblings. >> we don't have to. only children have a primary relationship with themselves so that solitude can be very strengthening. >> one of the things i know you did is look at the research out there and if anything you found that the research demonstrates
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there maybe a benefit to being an only child in terms of an array of different attributes. >> only children tend to be higher achieving and have higher intelligence but more so, i think that the issue is really that we think there's something wrong with only children. it's not that there's something wrong with only children and there's nothing wrong and there are benefits too. >> so far we have been talking about the effect on the child. you also talk about the effect on parents and what you write is a lot of parents feel guilty for only having one child. >> it's true. culture tells you to. strangers will say to me you wouldn't do that to your child. i think it's wonderful. we have a happy family and i'm a happy mother for it. >> you make an array of arguments on behalf of having one child. one is economic and it is true that children are defensive and by default more children are more expensive. >> it's true. >> what did you find of the
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difference in terms of having one child in terms of the economic burden. >> in terms of economic burden, that's everyone's personal choice. this all is of course. so children are very expensive and if you want to have them, you'll make it work. but if you don't want to have them, i just want people to know that it's okay. >> well, you explore all facets of this and there are down sides too and one of the things was you writing about the notion of losing your parents one day and when you are an only child there is that potential that you lose your parents and you're alone in the world. >> it's true. i'll have my husband and daughter and very dear friend who is are like family but there does seem to be an unreconcilable sort of hole in your heart when you think about that. but to me it's a question of whether that is a reason enough to have another kid and for my family i don't think it is. for others it might be. >> so what's your message to parents thinking about this and maybe feel the societal pressures to have an additional child.
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>> ignore society, pay attention to the research but most of all pay attention to your heart and do what you want for your own freedom and life and family. >> it's an interesting conversation to say. thank you lauren. the book is called one and only. coming up next, they combine forces and spill the beans on their summer grilling secrets. but first, this is today on nbc.
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cooking with giada is brought to you by target. able available at target and >> we are back on a tuesday morning with spilling the beans with two great chefs. they are here to answer the questions you've been tweeting us the last couple weeks. bobby play's barbecue addiction.
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why didn't you get a book credit? >> it's all about bob y. i just came for looks. >> first of all, you just also did a little cooking for the president last week. >> i did. for the president and the president of china as well. >> how did that go? >> it was a great honor. >> what did you make? >> that's me saying, how do you guys want your steaks cooked? i made a hottererhouse, lobster tamales. and pie. all american. >> let's start with some of the questions via twitter. the first one concerns corn on the cob. what's the best way to grill corn on the cob? this comes from terry. apparently we have a disagreement right off the bat. >> in all fairness, both ways are fine. >> yes. but this is the shortcut i shuck my corn, blanch it, salt and
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pepper and put it on an oiled grill. >> i grill with the husks on so it sometimes and gets a smoky flavor. and roasted pepper butter. >> does it affect the flavor husk on or husk off? >> i think giada's way will get more heat and texture. this way you will get the perfume of the smoke. >> depends what you like. >> another grilling question from kristen. she tweeted, do you have to oil the food and the grill to prevent food from stick something. >> we disagree here completely. go ahead, giada. >> why start that way? honestly! what i like to do is oil the grill. i'm going to move bobby's corn over. and i just take paper towel with oil and brush it. >> do you then oil the food?
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>> no, i do not. >> i'm cooking ribs here. what i like to do is take a little bit of oil and i oil the food itself. what's a really good point -- >> tell me what the problem is. >> it creates a gray smoke so you have to make sure it dissipates. >> there's no gray smoke. i just did it. >> i didn't see a big thing of gray smoke to be perfectly honest with you. this one is from luke. tweets this question to beth of you. what is your guys's favorite barbecue sauce. >> okay. why don't we go down here. and i will make you the barbecue sauce. mine is -- >> raspberries. what are those for? >> in the summertime, this is a great way to use them up. i'm using raspberries, ketchup.
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we both agree there's going to be ketchup in barbecue saw. >> so it's sweet. >> it is sweet. balsamic vinegar. >> this is for meat? meat and chicken. >> i like it for chicken and lamb. >> good. that's yours. bobby, what's your favorite barbecue sauce? mine is tomato based. i like it deep that's smoky and fiery. i use smoked chiles and molases. >> do you disagree you put it on before and during the grilling? >> i do mine before. >> i do it before and during and after. you know what, in all fairness, he has a barbecue book out.
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so chances are -- i'm handing it to you. >> thank you very much. coming up, a live performance from andre bocelli. today on wow, the track looks perfect. now we just need guests. yeah, so they can race! hey! kachow! bellissimo! guido! our tires are a-flying! whooooaaaaaa little tractors, dance! they're here! it is time! there's high-octane fun for everyone at cars land. only at disney california adventure park. dontcha just love that new park smell?
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the toyota concert series on today, brought to you by toyota. >> we're back now at 8:50 with
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the incomparable andrea bocelli. >> he sold 80 million albums worldwide. his latest released in january. it is better when you say it or sing it. this is a collection of your favorite songs in early day of music. can you tell us a little bit about those days. >> these are -- the first song that i learned and i sang when i used to play the piano while i was very young. >> you sing in six different languages on this album which is incredible to me. is there one language that is -- obviously you speak italian by birth. is there one language that's most difficult to translate into song. >> well, i sing in six language in this album but i speak only italian. my english is horrible i know but i do my best. >> but my favorite language to
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sing is italian and spanish i think. >> and you had to pick 18 songs. how did you choose the ones that would make it on the album? was that difficult? >> all these songs are full of beautiful memory because i was young when i sang these songs. and i try to have on this album the most moving. >> what are you going to sing for us now. >> a beautiful song. >> ladies and gentlemen, andrea bocelli. [ music playing ] [ singing in foreign language ]
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[ singing in foreign language ]
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[ music playing ] andrea bocelli. thank you so much. we're back with much more on today on a tuesday morning right after your local news.
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good news morning to you, 8:56, i'm laura garcia-cannon. breaking news in santa clara, giving you a live look at the 49ers stadium where police are investigating a deadly industrial accident. this is at the new levi's 49ers stadium. a crew there tells us an elevator worker was hit while working in an elevator shaft and killed this morning. construction site has now been
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completely closed for the day. this is video just into our newsroom from the scene. crews headed actually home for the day. again, a deadly industrial accident at the new 49ers stadium that is under construction in santa clara. going to bring you new information on this breaking news story as we have reporter bob redell at the scene gathering it for us right now. we will have more information throughout the morning.
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welcome to today on this tuesday morning, june 11th, 2013. good-looking morning anyway outside. >> add good-looking crowd. >> always a good-looking crowd outside; best looking crowd we've had. >> you don't say that every day. inside studio 1-a i'm willy geist along with al and natalie. time for today's take three. we start with something at the top of the headlines this morning. it's about the morning after pill. the obama administration, the justice department and fda reversing course on this now and saying it will not challenge this court ruling that said the
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morning after pill can be sold over the counter without age restrictions. >> now it will be available to all ages without a prescription. critics, a lot of people questioning if this is open to anyone at any age. >> it's disturbing. i have a 14-year-old daughter and i'm not comfortable with the idea that she can just go and buy this. it goes to obviously other issue as well, but i think it kind of, almost in a way removes the parents from part of the process. >> i think that this is more reason as parents for you to be very that conversation at a much earlier age at home with your kids about what happens so they hopefully don't have to turnover to the morning after pill, you know? but it certainly i think is a conversation a lot of parents will be having with their kids. we were just talking. now my son in third grade were having sex ed in school.
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third grade? >> did he ask you about it. >> oh boy. it was an interesting conversation. i happened to be in the car with somebody driving and he was mom, is that really how it happens, yes, yeah, that's how it happens. can we change the subject right now? >> how about the power rangers? >> can i talk to you about this later? >> i remember my dad. we had gone fishing. i was about 12 years old. i think you're mature enough to have this talk. >> and i'm thinking if we leave now -- i think fred and barny are calling me here. >> we skipped that talk. i'm glad we did. they say it's totally safe for young people. it's more a parenting issue if you want your minor to be able to go into a drugstore and purchase this. >> the morning after pill prevents ovulation or fertilization of an egg. it has no effect in you're already pregnant. nothing will happen in that case. >> that noise, that's andrea
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bocelli's piano being moved. >> it's rude. rude noises off camera. >> sounded like number seven. >> i wasn't thinking about the number seven. >> got to love it. roll it right out of here. do what you do. let's go on to take two. for men, 43 is the magic number. the study finds that men finally grow up, whatever that means by the age of 43. >> which means you're still an adolescent at 38? >> i'm a teenager at this point. women apparently reach adult hood at age 32. 11 years earlier. >> i agree. >> with me it's easy, june 14th, 2007, the birth of my first child. >> we adopted courtney i remember, you know, there was nobody in the backseat and then there was a baby in the backseat and i thought i guess i'm an
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adult now. >> right and i would think that also buying your first house, i think for a lot of people. having real property or assets or debt can also certainly i think bring that on but for me it with was bringing home josh as well. >> having said all that, 43 is pretty late for us to grow up, isn't it? >> yeah, peter pan syndrome. >> if you put it in perspective, matt damon, vince vaughn, will arnette turning 43 this year. they're becoming adults. >> so match them up with with beyonce. >> the women turning 32, bejo beyonce, natalie portland, brittney spears and paris hilton. >> the first seem older only because they have been in the public consciousness so young. but they started young. >> and with the way they carry themselves. >> and i think women are more
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mature -- we know women are more mature than guys. >> beyonce to me seems ageless and timeless and i'm only shocked hen i hear she is turning 32. >> she carried her way like that for so long. >> your point about the backseat, i'll never forget leaving the hospital with lucy and i have her in the car seat and the nurse says good luck. that's the heaviest good luck ever. good luck raising this child for the rest of her life. >> where's the manual, where's the instructions. what happens if this breaks? is there a warranty. >> that's the moment when we grow upright there. take three -- >> speaking of our kids -- >> do you have a favorite child? according to a new survey parents admitted. 34% of moms and 28% of dads say they do, in fact, have a favorite child. i don't think we'll get anyone on this panel to admit at this point. >> i will admit at certain times you relate to one child better than another. i mean, there's a certain tough
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age, the 2 to 3 year age where, you know, the terrible 2s, terrible 3s where it can be difficult and taxing on a parent and also children tend to have favorites when it comes to their parents. >> sure. >> both of my children favor their dad. they do. daddy plays. mommy is -- >> well, i think they favor you for different things. >> if they have a boo boo or problem. >> at the end of the day you watch every football player when they score that touchdown, is it dad? no, mom. hi mom, mom i love you. da dad. >> they don't tell you it's not the twos. it's the threes. >> it's a delayed reaction. >> it's the everything. i have a 26, a 14 and a 10 -- >> 18 is bad too. 21. >> my dad used to say little kids little problems and big
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kids, bigger problems. i'm telling you, you want fear and terror the first day you hand your car keys to your kid -- thankfully courtney, my oldest had no interest in driving, thank god because she is a horrible driver. >> courtney, you didn't hear that. >> she is a magnificent chef and wonderful daughter. she can't drive to save her life. >> she's a city kid. >> she's a city kid. >> good thing she has a subway option. >> exactly. metro car is her best friend. >> courtney, did you hear any of that? >> but she also is my favorite. >> there it is. there it is. >> so there you go. you copped to it. admit it. >> no, different times, different times -- >> yeah. different times. sometimes there's a strong bond and other times. when you're putting them to bed -- >> that's when they're the best. >> yeah. >> when they're going out, you are the best.
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i can't believe i lived my life without you and then 12 hours later, this kid is driving me nuts. >> go to school. bye. >> go see your mother. >> works every time. natalie, how about a look at the other headlines. >> let's get to the news this morning. there maybe more revelations to come from the leaked documents from the nsa surveillance documents. a manhunt is underway looking for edward snowden that gave secret documents to a reporter in hong kong. that reporter says new information will come out over the next few weeks. potential jurors are coming face to face with george zimmerman when asked what they know about the death of trayvon martin. he says he killed martin in self-defense. today is the second day of a lengthy jury selection process. zimmerman was in court as that process began. security tightened this morning at the hospital where former south african president nelson mandela is undergoing treatment
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for a recurring lung infection. the 94-year-old is in serious but stable condition according to government officials. the un says the spread of aids will be stopped in two more years. secretary general announced that the epidemic has been stabilize and the rate of new infections reversed in 56 countries. he's calling for more money and effort to get aids treatments to low and middle income countries. >> well, you maybe better off without paying for overdraft protection on your bank accounts. a government study out today criticized banks and consistent rules for overdraft protection. consumers that opted out of the plan saved money and faced a lower risk of having their accounts closed. >> sometimes when you're going fishing you have to have a little respect for the competition, especially when your rival is this, a very hungry, just a tiny bit bigger than you are -- >> oh, oh, oh my god. >> are you kidding me. >> let it go.
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>> yeah, leave it there. leave it there. >> that's when you let the fishing rod just go. the orka caught on camera in alaska. i think the fisherman has a killer whale of a tale. >> you get one of those a week. >> just one? >> it's tuesday. >> you've met your pun quota for the week. >> not just one more. give me one on friday. >> all right. thanks. have a look at the weather al. >> we'll see what we got for you today. a risk of strong storms as we spin the earth. that beautiful blue marble and showers and thunderstorms making their way out of new england. that's good news. we are looking at showers making their way. we have a risk of strong storms today through the plains stretching through central indiana. gorgeous day from the mid-atlantic states through the gulf coast.
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record highs in the central plains. fantastic day along the west coast. 63 in san francisco. sunshine in l.a. 79 although showers and mid 9:11 on a tuesday morning, good morning, i'm meteorologist, christina loren. not a solid deck of clouds across the golden gate bridge, clouds break apart just a touch this is where we are all headed, towards a mostly sunny skylighter on today, sunshine headed our way and comfortable conditions because of that limited sunshine up until this point. 81 degrees on the way to livermore, 73, fremont, 62 today in san francisco. we head through the end of the week, we are going to climb but gradually. we will be about 87 degrees by saturday. . all right. we have to add to the punery here. >> bob jagr, our camera man. what do you say. >> i wonder if the whale really
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swam up there or if it was orka straited. >> very nice bob. very nice. >> i'm going to run my puns through that filter from now on. >> in fact, bob comes as an app. >> all right. thanks to bob. coming up next, you took the wrong job? maybe you didn't keep in touch with your family or friends? we all have regrets. we'll tell you why it's time to move on. >> then maybe a bad knee or chronic back pain. exercise now will go a long way to prevent future in i'm over the hill.
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my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy helps reduce the look of brown spots in 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. so why use the same towel over and over again? join the 16 million people who have already committed to a cleaner way to dry hands. kleenex hand towels. who have already committed to a cleaner way to dry hands. liso that her daughtericed a could have a warm coat. it's windy.
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stop with the sacrificing. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the protein and 80 calories. thick... creamy. light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! every day you stain it. so every day, use crest 3d white toothpaste to remove up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. no wonder the number one whitening brand is crest 3d white. no wonder the number one whitening brand for a strong bag that grips the can... ♪ get glad forceflex. small change, big difference. a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. is that true?
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says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? okay. did you make the wrong career move -- go. the monitor went on -- >> did you buy a house you really couldn't afford or did
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you say something to your spouse you wish you hadn't. >> having regrets are a normal part of life. but feeling guilty can be bad for your health. >> here to help us get past it is the author of sanity savers and more magazine's deputy editor. >> we all have regrets. what's the biggest one. >> not having gastric bypass sooner. >> would have done it earlier? >> for me it's growing up as an air force brat and not keeping in touch with friends and family over the years. >> mine is i rushed into a job. the first job coming up. i wish i had taken a year. i had ideas about going to par gatt risk for a year. there was an offer to play for an odd professional basketball league in ireland. do it. >> it was a league for guys like
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me. but beyond -- regrets we all have them. anyone that says i live without regrets, they're lying, aren't they? >> yes, they're normal. that's how we process the difference between what we expected to happen and what did happen. they're our minds way of letting us know that perhaps we could have made a different choice or different decision but they're completely normal. >> having regrets is that a positive thing? i guess unless you're overwhelmed with guilty daily. >> that's the point. it can be positive if we use them as a way to learn from them and if you are overwhelmed with guilt or stay in the past and don't move forward it can be destructive to your health or wellbeing but you can use them and move forward. >> how can it be harmful say physically and emotionally. >> well, regret causes stress and stress as we know can be
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detrimental to our health. it raises the levels of cortisol and that can cause other problems. >> is there value in going back and trying to rectify regrets whether it's a year later or 20 years later? >> absolutely. it's the way we process them and what we think about them because what we learn from them, sometimes if it involves the person you can go back and talk to the person. you can say, you know, this is how i felt then, this is how i feel now and i ask your forgiveness or wish i had done it this way. you can open a dialogue. whether the person receives you, in the way you wanted to be received it's secondary to the fact that you have been able to try and let this go and move it to a different level. sometimes you're not able to but you can change your life in relation to what you learned from it and you can change your behavior which then will change your health ideally. >> sometimes people can be paralyzed by regret?
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having that fear of not knowing what will happen. >> and they keep going around in a circle thinking about how awful they were. how stupid they were. why didn't they do this or do that. that keeps them in a downward spiral rather than integrating what they learned and moving forward and saying i wasn't able to keep in touch while i was younger but now i would like to keep in touch with friends. >> do people look at regrets more if they're not happy as oppoo opposed to if they are? if you're happy with your life everything before lead up to now. >> yeah, taking the long view, people regret things they didn't do where in the short-term they might regret things they did. in the short-term you regret something you said but in the long-term it's a chance you didn't take or opportunity you missed. >> are you going to go sign up
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for the o-dunkers. >> i think it's a little late. good to see you both. coming up, have you ever been invited to your friend's house and snooped in their medicine cabinet? that's creepy of you and we want to know about it. we'll talk about that and other house guest questions later in the show. >> i regret inviting you to my home. i think i've got it.. ♪ ohh, i lost count. what'cha doing, richard? how does grandpa do it? do what, richard? how does he get so many strawberries in a jar? you'll figure it out. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that if you want jam to taste irresistible it has to be packed with lots of delicious fruit. i don't even know how he gets peaches in there. [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. [ male announcer ] for five generations,
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it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever. all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. i'll tell you what we do. i want you to go out on the field and look for anything with an "o". we will win this for mother russia! coach, eat a snickers®. why's that, chief? you get a little loopy when you're hungry. better? better. now let's go for it! [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. snickers® satisfies. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. about haircolor.eed to talk... it's garnier nutrisse #63 rich, radiant... ravishing color! the choice is obvious. nutrisse actually nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils may have heard... "nourished hair..." "...means better color." and grays... 100%...not! talk about rich, radiant color! garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color. and...foam users? you'll love nutrisse nourishing color foam! garnier.
9:22 am
[ female announcer ] when did we start thinking that eating a tiny breakfast would help us weigh less? ♪ with the special k breakfast, eat all this, with new, hearty special k multi-grain cereal. data shows women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who don't. so eat right, not less. a new perspective. what will you gain when you lose? ♪
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. look the samsung galaxy s4. phones for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's like what i've got. look how big the screen is! that is big. and, walmart will give you a $50 gift card when you get the phone. sold! get the latest smart phones on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network, and get a $50 gift card. walmart. when it comes to pizza crust, i like to do things... ♪ hand. so tonight, things might get a little messy. ♪ [ chuckles ] ♪ that's nice. so, i'm gonna take my time and do it right. oops. let's get zesty.
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we'll show you what happened at a green day concert in london. the crowd get singing queen's bohemian rapsody. take a look [ crowd singing ] that was dueling banjos. >> you got -- >> okay, that was bad. i can't sing. >> you can't even play an air guitar. >> i don't even know what that was. >> okay. >> i'm picking and i'm grinning.
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no, it's not he haw. >> what's your favorite? >> philadelphia freedom. [ music playing ] >> that's a great song but you remember the song -- you have an emotional attachment. this song came out in '74. my baby brother was with me at school for about a month and i was playing it constantly, brought him home and my mother said why is your brother singing that. said why is your brother singing that. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt.
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i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. good morning, 9:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon, follow breaking news in santa clara, a construction accident at the new 49ers stadium killed a worker go right to nbc bay area's bob redell right outside levy's stadium. you just got an update at that scene? >> reporter: just happened three hours ago. good morning to you, laura, 6:45, a worker was killed in an elevator shaft on the east side of the new stadium here in santa clara. if you want to get a lay of the land that's on the same side as 49ers headquarters. a city spokesperson tells bay city news services, the worker was in the bottom of the shaft when an elevator car crushed him to daechlt worker told me he fell down the shaft and died that way. we are just briefed by the
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contractor on this $1.2 billion project and say they don't know how he died, just that did he die in that shaft. they are leaving that up to the authorities. right now, santa clara police, fire and cal osha are on site conducting this investigation. to help with the investigation the contractor did let all the workers leave earlier this morning. we are talking about over 1,000 workers. they were told to go home. one, they said to let them grieve to go home with family. the other just to clear the site so investigators could be out here. they sounded very frustrated and sad and i'm talking about the contractors, because in the over year they have been on this site with over 1,000 work earth on here, it's been relatively safe, until this morning. reporting live here in santa clara, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, bob. one will continue to follow throughout the day and we will have weather and traffic right after this break.
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welcome back now, the time is 9:28, hazy over san jose, blue sky and sunshine overhead, a gorgeous day shaping up all across the bay area. country ask for better readings,
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after all, now into june. 81, livermore, 73, fremont, 62 on the way to san francisco today. getting into the next couple of days, start to feel more like june, by saturday, cool you off just in time for all the dads out there i know one, mike inouye what are you tracking? >> traffic because that's how i pay for being a dad. san mateo side, foster city boulevard, earlier crash just moved off to the shoulder, jammed westbound from the high rise toward the san mateo side. here you see the slowing, north 101 toward the interchange because of the distraction and the slowing bogging you down coming off the bridge. the rest of the peninsula looking brighter, dunbar bridge completely clear, the eastshore freeway.
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i am john oliver and let's just all acknowledge for a moment that this is weird. this looks weird. it feels weird. it even sounds weird. it sounds weird to me and this is my actual voice. >> that is john oliver, his first night taking over for john stewart on the daily show. oliver will host for 8 weeks while john stewart is out directing rose water, a film about a journalist detained in iran. he returns to the daily show september 3rd. i'm willy geist with al roker and natalie morales. >> you're joining right now. >> i am. i have my teammates lined up. >> nice. we'll explain coming up. we'll talk about the benefits of
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exercise and starting at a young age as these kids are. also some of the aches and pains you may have. we'll show you the best ways to prevent common injuries later on. also, if you ask -- if we asked you a question earlier, have you ever snooped in someone's medicine cabinet when you're a guest in their home? only 28% of you will admit to doing that on our website. we know it's higher than that. >> have you done it. >> no, no -- well maybe -- the other 72% say no. it's an invasion of privacy. we'll talk about that and answer your summer etiquette questions coming up. we have everything your kids need if they're heading off to camp. you want a check of the weather for us. let's look ahead. starting with today, we're looking at sunshine in the southeast, mid-atlantic states, gulf coast. strong storms into the mississippi river valley. rain into the pacific northwest.
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tomorrow the risk of storms moves into the east. we're looking at western p.a. into southern wisconsin sizzling along the southern third of the states. and storms 9:32 happy tuesday, i'm meteorologist christina lorne, look at the hills, rolling nils sin noel, beautiful day shaping up, those clouds are really starting to peel back now. 73 on the way to freemont. 76, san jose, 62 in san francisco. even the hottest cities in the bay area touching in the low 80s today, reach the upper 80s by the end of the week, is up day is, father's day cooling you off back to the 70s inland. today's health is brought to you by biotene, for soothing relief of dry mouth. on today's health, fixing
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common injuries with exercise from knee injuries to back pain. if you have aching body parts the best way to heal maybe to get moving. the doctor is -- [ inaudible ] -- is the clinical chief of orthopedic surgery. i just fractured his name at cedar sinai medical center. good to see you. >> good to have you here. >> exercise is important but obviously besides keeping yourself in good health it helps prevent problems later on. >> so al, some sobering statistics. as far as kids are concerned one in five kids are overweight or obese in our country. >> wow. >> that's really sad and the cdc has suggested that kids do an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise today and a third of our kids are not doing that. when i was young my mother had to pull me in but now we have to encourage our kids to go out. that's become a problem.
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>> but not these beautiful young ladies here. they're students doing ballet. what age do you suggest parents start pushing their kids to taking on activity whether it's ballet or another sport? soccer? >> the earlier you start the better. it's behavior that we want our kids to be encouraged to do and as they get older it's harder and harder with the ipads and tv and we do stuff now. as far as ballet is concerned but there's certain things when their feet of grow weg don't want them to go on point and do other things. >> let's move on to basketball here. get going with your teammates. as they get older you have to think about injuries and young girls have a higher injury rate. >> right. so we found that girls have higher incidents of acl tears. 2 to 5 times --
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>> nice willy. >> girls have a wider pelvis so the knees go inward and that's why they can tear their acl and some evidence of hormonal influence and because the hormones change at certain times of the month they can more susceptible and girls hamstrings are weaker than guys so the ligament has to hold the knee in place. i'll show you something right here -- >> okay. ways to prevent. willy you should have tried out. >> exactly. what happened is when women jump -- >> do you have to get taller? >> when women jump they bend differently. their knees go inward and more stress on the acl so what we're trying to teach girls is how to jump and land which is hips above the knees above the ankle and land light as a feather so just and land and there's bio metric exercises with jumping and strengthening your legs which can reduce the incidences
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of acl injury. >> let's move to the elliptical machine here. i should point out the reason i'm wearing these choose. >> it's interesting. there was a book called born to run, right. >> yeah, it was a great book. >> so, you know -- >> the barefoot running was a huge phenomenon. >> we think we have an advantage over animals because we can endurance run but the problem is these shoes or barefoot running has become popular. we have grown up wearing regular shoes and our feet are used to them. it's not a bad thing but be careful. start slowly. when we have foot problems, we can adjust them with our choose. we have or ththose and can't do with these shoes. >> women in their 20s and 30s it's a great piece of equipment. >> exactly. advantage supper body as well as lower body. so that's the good thing.
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>> right. >> let's move over to al over here. we don't have much time left. this is for the 40 to 50-year-old workout, right? >> so the incidence of lower back pain is much higher as we get into our 40s and 50s and port of the reason is how we sit, how we work. our posture and those are the things we want to war watch out for. if you have lower back pain which almost all of us do have there's certain exercises we can do to elevate that. >> to strengthen the core. >> the core is the most important thing so al, here we go. >> al this is you, i'm wearing a ski skirt. >> on all fours. what we want to do is arch your back up and then bring it down and bring the back up. there you go. okay. >> how many times do you do that? >> about ten times. >> is that funny?
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>> meow when you do that. >> these are certain exercises we can do. here we go. >> what else. >> there's an exercise on your back. >> just watching. >> so we lay down and we want to just lift our hips up just slightly. >> that's great. >> and these are the exercises. >> how many times do you do it, doc. >> ten. >> ten times? that was only two. >> i'm tired already. now i fractured your name. thank you very much. appreciate it and i love that we turned this into a whole fitness studio this morning. coming up next, you're a guest. so how much are you expected to pitch in around the house? the answer to that and other summer etiquette questions you might have issues with. right after this. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva
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all right. we were supposed to have something there. let's figure it out. you're trying to be a good guest and good host coming up in the summertime because of course you want to invite people to have a nice time at your home. >> right. >> but there's a -- hold on a second. roll that tape. >> oh my gosh. i'm sorry. i thought it was the baby's room. i'm really sorry. >> i was in the pool. i was in the pool. >> tell her about it. that's what we were setting it up for. still funny. what do you do when you're trying to be a good guest? >> a spokesperson for the
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institute and author and cohost and noted summer guest etiquette expert. >> my wife and my mother are going he's the summer guest etiquette -- >> work with me, work with me. >> what do you do if somebody overstays their welcome. it's a classic syndrome. how do you tell the person it's time to go. >> if you you can give them a days notice say we loved having you but we have a big day coming up, a big week and we need to talk about your plans and that's fine. i mean, at this point, they've overstayed it's okay for you to do it. just be nice about it. >> i've heard that before. >> what do you do when people sometimes mistake your home for a hotel and leave it a mess? are you expected to cleanup? aren't you expected to clean up and be a good guest. >> yeah, you have to respect their home, especially if you're going to their vacation home. you have to be part of it. you can't be like you work for
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me now. come on. >> think about it. you want to be a good guest. you want to get asked back again. especially if it's a nice vacation home. >> if they're your friends you should have enough respect for them. >> he's the kind of guy that asks for turn down service when he stays at his friend's house. >> we put a call out on twitter. he wanted etiquette questions. >> that's the place to go. twitter. >> exactly. how do you politely tell someone they're a guest and therefore do not have to clean? this is the other side of that. people are overzealous trying to help out. >> so the guest wants to be polite and offer i like to say tonight you're a guest and tomorrow you'll be family. tomorrow i'll accept your help but tonight let me host you. >> i think it gets gendered. if the wife is helping out my wife will jump to help her out. if the guy is doing the cooking
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or cleaning, i'll want to jump in and help him so that he doesn't feel alone. >> never touch another guy's grill. >> we'll stand by it and talk to him while he's doing it but we're not touching his grill. >> it doesn't have to be the men with the men or women with the women. don't leave a guest on their own. you partner off so you can all socialize. >> thank you. still ahead from easing their fears to calming yours. everything you need to pack fears to calming yours. everything you need to pack before my dad can't fly. he doesn't have heat vision, or even wear a cape. he doesn't battle evil villains. and he can't save the universe. he doesn't have super-human strength... he's just super, because he's my dad here's to the original superman, from sears and shop your way.
9:47 am
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booo p. hi, listen i think you could do better. oh no, he's a nice guy. no i'm talking about your yogurt. in a national taste test dannon oikos fat free strawberry flavor beat chobani 2 to 1. look babe i'm doing better. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. ♪ dannon actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer.
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to find out we filled this car with trash, attached a febreze car vent clip, and let in real people. it smells good. like clean laundry. i could sit in this all day. [ laughs ] febreze keeps your car fresh. breathe happy. febreze keeps your car fresh. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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school's out. you're about ready to ship the kids off to summer camp. whether it's for a day, week or month. it maybe more stressful for mom and dad than the child. >> well, from bug spray to pillow cases and games it's got everything you need to pack to ease your concerns and make your kids feel right at home. meredith is contributor for time to >> it can be scary for all involved going off to camp. >> did you guys go to camp. >> i did not go to camp but my kids are going today camp. >> either one. >> which is scary too. >> we'll do things that will make it less anxious and more exciting for everybody. the first thing we have is this clever idea invented by a mom. sometimes you need a trick up your sleeve.
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we have happy camper spray which is a bubble gum scent and then monster repellant spray to send if they're scared. spray it on them and say here you go, be a happy camper. speaking of pillows, i think it's fun to spray the spray on the pillow before they go to camp and it smells like home. these are pillow cases i think are so tweet. hello my name is natalie, hello my name is willy. it's great to remember it's their pillow case. >> and taking a piece of home as well so you have that. >> yeah one trick i did with my boy ifs they have a stuffed animal or something they didn't want everybody to see so only they could take it out. >> the first couple of days you could be awkward, meeting the new kids. >> this one is called cube it to me. now you're talking and truth or dare cube. you throw it back and forth and you reach in and pull out these cards, these fun questions.
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like, what's this one say -- who in your life makes you feel really good about yourself. so you can talk about those things with your bunkmates. and this is fire vision from nerf. you put on these goggles at night and as the sun is going down, the light illuminates like this disk. >> that's okay. that's cool. >> then you can play nerf. >> that's neat. >> what about over here. >> the summer camp survival kit. really important. these are any muscles favorite bags. they're see through so you can see everything you have in there and they're washable. so you have camp journal, these are great. strawberry flavored envelopes and then some great sunscreens or bug repellant actually. >> you can't get enough of that stuff, right? >> this is so cool. from imagine 3-d. it's a view master but you
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personalized it with pictures from home. so like the dog and their family. >> and just really quickly, we can't overemphasize the importance of labeling everything. >> labeling everything. these are my favorite labels because they are uv protecting and water proof and this comes with over 100 labels. >> well taken care of here. >> and then you can eat lots of s'mores at camp. let's eat the s'mores. for no other reason than they're right there. meredith, thank you so much. >> thank you meredith. >> this is today on nbc.
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forgive us. coming up, golden globe nominated actor danny houston. >> and
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at 9:56, breaking news in santa clara, police are investigating a deadly industrial accident at the brand new 49ers stadium. this is a view from our chopper above the scene earlier this morning. our crew there telling us an
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elevator worker was hit while working inside an elevator shaft and then killed this morning. the construction site is closed for the day. this video from the scene. it shows crews heading home for the day. again, this is a deadly industrial accident at the new 49ers stadium that is under construction. we will bring you new information on this breaking news story throughout the morning. an overcast start to your tuesday. let's get a look at that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> thanks. high pressure is going to start to move in. that mean it is won't be as humid for today. in fact, not going to be all that warm, plenty of low clouds start the day. those will clear as we head through the next hour or so highs at the coast, 50s and 60s there bay side 60s and 70s, 70s on the way to inland cities no that bad temperature-wise. not too hot. 81, livermore, 62, san francisco. meanwhile, 76, down right perfect here in san jose. into the weekend, going to warm you up but gradually, day by day. check that drive. good morning, mike.
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>> good morning. looking over toward foster city, a better morning here as well, westbound 92, coming off the high rise, approaching foster city boulevard, had been tied up until just about seven minutes ago, sought last of the backup clearing and now a smoother flow off of that high rise still shows up on our sensors, another five minutes to average out, looking a at smoother drive, 101 should clear out, back up off the bridge also starts to clear. looking at the east bay, traffic through hayward and castro valley y looking good. napa, a crash reported now northbound 880, slows past the scene of the southbound crash at fruitvale, both sides show slowing, the reports on the shoulder, people climb willing out of the van, over off its wheels, now over on its side, marla. back to you. >> thanks. we will be back with our next local update at 10:26. see you then.
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>> announcer: from is "today" with kathie lee gifrd and hoda kotb. >> hoda wants to say a special hello to her mother. >> she hates when i drink on the air so i just want to apologize. hi, mom! hey! >> you got caught. >> busted. >> but how perfect. it is booze day tuesday. june 11th. we are delighted you are with us today. >> last night was a barn burner at "the voice." it's getting down -- >> it's getting tight.
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>> it is really getting tight. >> it's getting hhhot. >> you just like saying it. say it again. >> hhhot. >> we are going to watch the five and choose because we're like judge judy who's going to go home. >> are you going to talk while we watch it? >> no. we're going to only listen. >> so let's listen to the five finalists -- >> would the first one be the swan brothers. ♪ even though we ain't got money i'm so in love with you honey ♪ ♪ everything will bring a chain of love ♪ ♪ in the morning when i rise ♪ i will always love you i'll always love you ♪
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♪ time after time notes ♪ if you fall i will catch you i will be waiting ♪ ♪ time after time ♪ it's all a part of me that's who i am ♪ ♪ that's who i am ♪ ♪ >> whoa. >> ooh! it's hard. >> i'm so at a disadvantage just hearing a lite bit.
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you tell me yours first. >> i love all of these. this is hard because i love the person and i'm going to say her name but i like her a lot. i think michelle shamuel from team usher may go and i also think the last one amber carrington from team adam may go. >> well, i had just picked michelle -- i feel the same way. >> she's very good. >> danielle -- i think somebody -- there's a place now for a new kerry underwood-ish. just everybody loves the new -- nobody's going to stop loving carrie. she has that look. she has a terrific voice. then i started listening to amber, i'm thinking she has some pizzazz to her. >> those two. >> i think i'm going to say -- danielle. >> team blake. >> to me, it has nothing do with
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the team because i don't follow the teams. i don't follow the teams. i follow just what i hear -- see, that is healthy. that's a good thing. >> but let me just explain -- >> i don't get caught up in all my own biases and things. >>ky say one thing? you know who i think is going to win and i would have never, ever decided this in the beginning? >> sasha allen is what you would have thought. >> no. i think the swan brothers. i never would have thought that and i love them when they hit that harmony like there's something -- it's like a warm hand right here. >> where, hoda. >> not there -- here. here. >> and how warm is it? >> you're sick. >> is it hhhot or is it just warm? is it like a hhhot? >> i think sasha allen. i think the swan brothers are adorable. i think they'll have a terrific career. i think that she -- you know i'm just hearing -- you know why? because the little bit i'm listening, all of a sudden she ten turns a phrase or something
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that -- if i had hair on my arms, it would stick up. >> i do. >> i know. >> they never waxed the other arm. we did a show where we waxed one and i never went back. anyway. i never did. >> that was about a year ago. it's been interesting trying to watch the other catch up. hasn't happened. >> now, it's a great day around here because someone who shall remain nameless -- >> but her initials are jo ann la marca. her favorite person in the world is cher. >> cher is going to be performing on the finals of "the voice" on june 18th. remember she retired? she's back again. >> she also has a brand-new album out. she's going to sing. cher -- cher never had my favorite voice in the world but cher's one of the greatest performers you'll ever see in your life. she's going to be great fun to see cher. we got to get nameless out there. >> speaking of singing, amanda bynes, we hear, has been offered a record deal.
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>> good. she needs to be busy and get back to her career. >> first of all, she did sing in the movie "hairspray" and if you guys remember -- here's just a little snip so i can recall. ♪ ♪ >> talented. >> she's always been unbelievably talented. nobody's ever, ever denied that. she's no julie andrews -- but who is? herary the thing. she's going to be doing rap so she doesn't have to sing. so it is perfect. she's doing hip-hop. >> her record label is called ching-a-chang. >> hopefully it will turn out to
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be ka ching a chang for her. i want her to come and live with me for one month. one month. amanda, for old time sakes, come and live -- i'm a tough task master but we will have fun. christine, it is going to be fine. you can take your vacation time during that time. my assistant of 23 years just said she's out of here. >> she fell down. someone get the emts. >> this is a fascinating story. okay. picture this -- you are on a train. >> i'm on a train. >> and as you are riding, there are some men behind you having a conversation. suddenly you catch them having a conversation about how they're being unfaithful to their wives. the two-hour train ride -- >> from philadelphia to new york. >> you hear a bunch of guys yapping about that. you're listening, they're laughing how our wives don't know. and this woman's had it. uncle. she decides she's going to take action so she turns around and takes a photograph of the guys. she posts it on facebook and writes this -- if this is your
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husband, i have endured a two-hour train ride from philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on. oh, please, repost. and they did. >> ooh. this hit a nerve. it has been shared more than 270,000 times on facebook since it was posted last week. you know what's interesting about that number? when we talked about it in our meeting this morning, it was 180,000. this is something that has like legs. right? >> oh, my god! that's unbelievable. >> so the man has not yet been publicly identified, but just like the lottery winner, he will come forth. oh, yeah. you can run but you can't hide. so the question is, is it okay to publicly shame a stranger on social media? >> here's the weird thing. what do you think about that? >> you know what? first of all, when we started talking about it i so can relate. i don't think i could have sat there for two hours and listened to it to begin with. knowing me, i would have turned
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around and said, are you guys -- please tell me you're kidding because how many of you have daughters or something like that? they go well, i got -- how would you like your daughter to end up marrying someone like you that cheats on his wife and thinks it's funny an thinks it's cool. and i would shame them right then and there because it is much more fun. it's more fun to do it live than to do it later, although i think it took great -- i don't know. i like it when they put the johns in the newspaper the other day on the daily news, i think it was. >> what about the whole it is none of your business. they're having their own conversation. no one's invited you you into it. >> but they're having it in a public area. >> i can't believe that she posted it -- >> what would do you? you always ask me. but what would you do? >> i think i would have been ticked off. i think i would have told my friends about it. i don't think i would have posted it and i don't think i would confront strangers because everybody's wacko. you don't know what someone's
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going to do to you. sometimes when you get really loud, you go i'm going to say something. >> here's what do you. you call over to the conductor. you say hi, cutie, can you come over here for a minute. he stands there. then you have him right by you you. you you say she those guys? i want you to know what they just did and it is disgusting. then they won't hurt you because the guy's standing there. >> i guess the lesson is if it i'm the wife and i'm reading that, can you imagine what she must feel like. >> let's ask ourselves would she be grateful? >> he's going to deny it. >> that calls for a close-up, please. i'm waiting. somebody on vacation? never mind. >> oh, my god. >> why do i care? why do i try so hard? >> i don't know why you do try so hard. we're going to ask a quick question about kids with long hair. have you ever seen a young child, you go, oh, my god, he's so cute. it is not a she. it's a boy.
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rac rachel zoe has a cute kid. cutest cute ever. >> that's him? he's wearing a dress so it is more confusing. >> no. it's shorts. >> it's a skort. >> i'm sorry. that is really confusing. >> oh, wow. you're right. >> the bow in the hair. >> it would be hard to tell. >> i don't know. if it doesn't bother the parents and it doesn't bother little skylar, i guess it is nobody's business. but people are cruel. they're judgy. he's 2. i just wish my son would grow his hair out. he's asleep now. but every time his hair gets to exactly the way i like to, he gets a buzz cut. >> i like it. it looks good. >> that doesn't help, hoda. okay? >> sara becomes a tourist in new york and heads out into the city for a secret rendezvous. and real man of mystery who hails from one of hollywood's most famous families. >> the very bad monster from
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"magic city." oh, he's getting ready for the interview. golden globe nominated angie's list is essential. i automatically go there. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial. i create my unique looke new l'oreal super slim liner point 4 millimeter precision and control lets you go subtle or striking a pigment so rich my ultimate perfection the new super slim liner. from l'oreal paris tand delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving,
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whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. and it's four times stronger. charmin ultra strong. ♪ because some days we're sweeter than others. introducing crystal light liquid. six flavors. zero calories. for every shade of you. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer,
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all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey... where? for life's bleachable moments.
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okay. picture this -- it's miami. the year is 1959. the weather is sultry. men are hhhot. at center of all this action is the swanky hotel secretly controlled by a fear mobbed boss. >> i'm so in right now. that's the backdrop of the series "magic city." >> now i want to watch it! >> it's play sod well by danny huston around town. he likes to keep people guessing on how he got his nickname. >> first goi got a job as a shi. in a couple of months i was the best butcher on the lot. they called me the butcher.
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what? you want to hear another story? >> welcome, by the way. and thank you for bringing your own bottle. >> cheers. >> saved us a little money. >> what are you having there? >> it is a martini. >> which is straight vodka. >> and it is 6:00 in the afternoon. >> he's jet lagged just a tad. is it fun to play a really -- that kind of guy that's got the smile on the face but who literally would -- >> it is. it's enjoyable. i suppose being called a butcher kind of gives my character away a little bit. >> then do you play against it -- >> at times. but really i sort of embrace the sort of his badness without any excuse. >> they always say, to play a truly evil person you have to find the humanity in them or else they're just a caricature. >> in this particular case i take a lot of pride in playing villains and finding their humanity. in this particular case, i thought i'd give that up. >> it earned you a golden globe
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nomination, didn't it? >> right. >> what a great cast, by the way. >> a wonderful cast, beautiful looking women, great looking men. wonderful period, cars, wardrobe and these speedos that i wear. >> yes! >> what is it about that? >> it requires a great deal of courage. >> oh, my god. >> it is a speedo back in the '50s. >> they didn't really have speedos then but it is as close as you could get. >> when you go to the beach what do you usually wear? >> nothing. no. >> he wears his martini. >> i wear my lemon twist. >> yes, you do. >> and it is a really -- never mind. >> talk about his famous family. we don't want people to be confused. >> let's ask if he wants to. >> yes, he does. >> here's your famous family. your grandfather was an actor winning -- was an actor, walter huston. your father, oscar winning john
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huston. your niece, angela huston. your screen writer -- >> tony huston. >> you have a whole mob of them. >> she means there's something in the water in the huston dna. >> it is the vodka. >> growing up, was that intimidating or was it actually something that you said i already got it, baby, it's in the genes. >> well, one of the first films i saw that my father made while he was in the process of making it, he played noah. he was making a film called "the bible." >> heard of it. >> he also did a voiceover for god. so that really damaged me. >> i would think. >> forever. and i can't really distinguish fiction from reality as far as my family goes. >> you're making it work for you. >> we want to give you a little present before you go. >> you know it's not big enough but we thought we would give you
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anyway. now can you think of kathie lee and hoda next time you're sitting on that raft with your martini. >> are you sure they're big enough? >> we couldn't find one big enough. so nice to see you. thank you for being with us. >> you like those? >> i love them. >> every wanted a second chance in life? >> you never know where she's lurking. sara sneaks around the city for linda obviously sacrificed a good haircut
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so that her daughter could have a warm coat. it's windy. stop with the sacrificing. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the protein and 80 calories. thick... creamy. light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. rich and creamy cheese in indulgent, mouthwatering flavors you just can't resist.
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and at 35 tiny calories per wedge, you're free to indulge in every last bit. the laughing cow cheese. have you laughed today? the laughing cow cheese. fragile, brenot a chance.g hair? l'oreal's biggest advancement in haircare. triple resist our powerful formulas wi, an essential amino acid in every strand. l'oreal's unique triple reinforcing system one, nourishes from the root up two, reinforces the strand. three, strengthens hair from root to core to tip. with l'oreal triple resist hair fall due to breakage is reduced by 64%. see stronger, more beautiful hair. triple resist from l'oreal's most advanced haircare. change the life of your hair. you're worth it. [ female announcer ] when did we start thinking that eating a tiny breakfast would help us weigh less? ♪ with the special k breakfast, eat all this, with new, hearty special k multi-grain cereal. data shows women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who don't.
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so eat right, not less. a new perspective. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ it is time for "sara in the city." check this out. >> our girl, sara haines, tried a mysterious way to tour the city with something called accomplice. >> it is like playing detective on the streets of new york but while are you playing the game you have no clue who the actors are. let's just say the whole thing kept me guessing. >> i have some very important
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information. >> reporter: my day starts with a mysterious phone call where i'm told to meet my contact down by the docks. i am with my brother, joe, and his friend, ryan. these are my teammates. and we've got our clues. we're at the south street seaport. next, you guys want to look at these? we rendezvous with the rest of our group. hey, guys. are you meeting someone here? >> did he tell you -- >> he said don't look. >> did you get a message? >> this is him! our mission -- to aid a syndicate criminal who's trying to give the feds the slim. we are "accomplices." our contact gives us the clues for our first assignment. and then we're off.
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>> go to the fountain city hall park. anybody wearing green hats -- oh, there! hi, sir. we've got a couple -- ah! our contact in the park points us towards the brooklyn bridge. >> excuse me, have you a really nice polo shirt. looks like have you a lot of money. >> reporter: where we receive our next clue. >> maybe you should check it out. >> reporter: we bought a frog. we trade the frog with an undercover construction worker for a sit-down with the boss' henchman -- or something like that. i don't know. it was raining. i was hungry and i couldn't stop thinking about how that guy at the bridge was kind of hot. we arrive at our last destination where we make our
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final drop with the boss' girl. our mission is complete. and our big reward -- so "accomplice" runs on saturdays or sundays, rain or shine. >> what did you pay for that? >> a little bit. a little bit. but it was worth it! we had so much fun. >> if you feel stuck in a rut like hoda? >> if you feel stuck in a rut like hodaenough about the book, i want to hear about your date. well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology
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keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. perfectly bite sized drops of rich and creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. we are following breaking news. police are investigating the deadly industrial accident at the brand-new 49ers stadium. a worker was hit while working at the bottom of an elevator shaft and he died this morning. the construction site is now
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closed for the day. again, this is a deadly industrial accident at the new 49ers stadium that is under construction. we will bring you a live report from our bob redell who is at the scene on this breaking news story in about a half an hour at 11:00. we will have a look at weather and traffic after the break.
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good morning to you, 10:28 now, taking a live look, look at this, what an improving sky over san francisco over the past 1520 minutes. now you can start see some blue. take a little while before we
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get complete clearing. as a result of all those low clouds hanging out today, temperatures will be cooler than average, 81, livermore, 79, concord, today, 62 on the way to san francisco. your full forecast at 11:00. 10:29, check your drive, got anywhere to go, mike know what is would slow you down. >> don't go southbound 880. here past the coliseum, our live shot from the camera, on the map, you will see the earlier crash at fruitville, cleared, caused quite a bit of slowing on the map from 980 past fruitvale, that should start to clear quickly the next 20 minutes. it cleared in the last five. slow toward southbound 680 through pleasanton, sin noel, caltrans, taking a lane out, back to you. >> thanks, mike. the other breaking news story we are following, the santa clara district attorney is minutes away from announce the biggest gang bust in county hist trail.
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grand jury is dialling 48 alleged members accused of selling drugs, robbing banks and committing murder. the announcement is expected to come at 10:30 this morning. we will have a live report at 11:00. see you then. ♪ all right. we are back now with more of "today" on this tuesday. we are talking about second chances. if you've ever thought about completely shaking things up, baby, and starting over, you have come to the right place. >> author and tv personality leeza gibbons is here to tell you why it is never too late to do just that. she's written a great book "take 2." a guide to new beginnings and happy endings. you're one of those that has had nine new lives. it all -- >> all about starting over. >> it should read "take 9." >> yeah. any time can you call for a redo. it is all about re-invention.
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i really think so. >> what inspired this particular book? it is not your first book by any means. >> this one was really about -- it all started when mom got alzheimer's, then i got divorced, i left my job, my daughter left home, it was the beginning of empty nest and i realized i needed to show up in my life in a different way. i think that happens for a lot of us. >> she's just such a caregiver. when you have been giving, giving, giving and all of a sudden it is about you with, you are a little lost. didn't mean to interrupt, sweetheart. >> i think we fall in love with someone we used to be when we were thinner, richer, married, made more money and we loved her -- or we hate who had we used to be. i say break up with yourself! you know, forget her. create who you need to be now so that you can become the person you need to be going forward. and that's what this book is about. for a lot of people you don't get to choose if someone you love is sick. right? because that's chosen for you you. >> but a lot of people are scared of taking that leap
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because a lot of people probably do know there is another chapter but they are completely stuck in a rut and it is hard to have the courage i guess like you did to break out of something, to say you know what? i'm going to try something brand-new and see how that works. >> we do this with our electronics, with our computers. if things aren't running right, we know we have to hit the reset button, delete files, put in some new programming. well, let's do that. let's delete the people that don't support our dreams. >> the negative -- >> put in some programming that says you can be smarter, stronger, sexier than ever before. no regrets. no excuses. >> what about people that don't have any means? say it is -- it is a woman who's worked so hard just to raise her kids being single and they finally -- then what does she do if she doesn't have a bank account she can go to? what's it about? >> it's about drop the dread. it is about banishing the blame. i think you have to start by claiming victory over victimization. it is really easy to go there. >> we become a victimized
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culture. >> talk about that. people do feel like victims in their life. >> and they live there! >> all the terrible things happen to me. >> that's easier. just shut the door, pull the covers up over your head and say i can't, it's too late for me, too much baggage, who's going to want me, who's going to hire me. all of those things. little baby cities. that's when you need to grow your courage. by the way, if you are that caregiver, we're doing this series conversations in care giving. it's the third year that we've done it, you guys. it is registration is open right now. and we've done this with navartis pharmaceuticals. we want to answer your questions. they're all live webcasts. the first one is coming up july 9th. we do them again in september and october. this is where you can find out how to deal with that part of your life. that's you. we want to help you with it. >> there are so many unanswered questions still about alzheimer's. how long was it with your mom? >> ten years with my mom. more than that with my granny.
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so if that's your second act, if that's your do-over, they be you really do. deal with that stuff, and then you can recreate because you deserve it. you really do. hit the reset button. >> it sure is working for you. you are better than ever. how sweet it is. i'm not talking about hodie. we'll help you spot the hidden sugar in your favorite foods right after this. alright guys, let's huddle up here and talk probiotics.
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for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. infuses creamy mozzarella with the mediterranean flavors of sun-dried tomatoes and basil. at 35 tiny calories a wedge, you're free to indulge in every last bit. the laughing cow cheese. have you laughed today?
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[ sneezes ] you're probably muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. crow's fmeet your match.?
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new garnier ultra-lift targeted line smoother. with hyaluronic acid and pro-retinol from nature. skin looks tighter and smoother in just one use. even better over time! for the tough ones? this one's tougher. garnier targeted line smoother. liso that her daughtericed a could have a warm coat. it's windy. stop with the sacrificing. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the protein and 80 calories. thick... creamy. light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! hello ladies. how's "book club"? it must be hard to discuss literature with your mouths full of my kraft mac & cheese. ♪ i've got a book for you. it's called: "a mother's betrayal!" by timothy j. koehler. ♪ it's an autobiography. [ male announcer ] gooey creamy delicious kraft macaroni & cheese. ♪ you know you love it.
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and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. everybody knows it is hard to lose weight. >> what you may not know is that some of your favorite snacks and meals seem like healthier options but they are actually loaded with hidden sweeteners. >> here with all the great news -- >> good housekeeping's nutrition director, samantha cassidy. >> hello, samantha. >> it is all hidden stuff. >> all hidden. you're going to reach your limit before you've even had dessert. >> hoda is not happy about that. you say that's the amount of sugar you should be having. >> no more than six teaspoons. that's 12 sugar kubcubes. we get about 22 teaspoons a day.
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>> how many calories? >> 22 teaspoons? i'm not good at math. >> breakfast stuff. you wouldn't expect sugar. >> these are savory sandwiches. this is the mcgriddle from mcdonald's, this is a panera french toast bagel. they all have more than eight teaspoons of sugar. >> why would they add sugar to eggs -- >> it's in the bread. it is the whole savory-sweet thing. >> these drinks are full of sugar. >> these are mind blowing. this dunkin' donuts coffee colada, more than 12 teaspoons. >> how many calories? >> a lot. milk has natural sugar and that's okay. fruit sugars are okay. get the latte. >> you can get a skim one of these. >> this is the skim. >> oh, like i said. wow! that's hidden. >> this is a mocha drink from
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starbucks. this has more than seven teaspoons. 14 sugar cubes. these are summer barbecue meals. that looks like a danty amount of toppings, just a half a cup -- >> relish around ketchup. >> we have more than six teaspoons of sugar in this meal. that's like your daily limt right there for women. >> i make coleslaw and never add sugar. >> it is in the coleslaw mostly but you also get more than a teaspoon in the bun and in the topping. >> white bread is full of sugar. >> you can check labels for all of these things. can you make better choices. >> this meal has over nine teaspoons of sugar. between the barbecue sauce and the beans. but again you could get no-sugar added barbecue and no-sugar added beans. >> my brain hurts. >> frozen meals. again can you make better choices. this one has more than four teaspoons of sugar. >> but they call it smart ones.
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>> four sugar cubes. it is in the spaghetti sauce. more than two teaspoons in this one. more than three teaspoons. >> that's lean cuisine! >> and they do have better choices. so you read the labels once. will take you a little time, then you'll sail through the grocery store the next time. low-fat is kind of a code sometimes for sugar because they take out the fat, replace it with sugar to make it taste good. this chocolate chip granola bar has more than three teaspoons. this blew my mind, too. this is a half a cup of apple sauce. >> which you would think is the healthiest thing in the world. >> six teaspoons of sugar, which is double the amount than if you had gotten a no-sugar added variety. >> just eat an apple. >> exactly. >> wow. bet they hate you, don't they? everybody here all these companies go -- >> i thought you guys love me! >> i'm just saying the companies. >> you can make a better choice with all of these --
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>> they just don't want you to. since we are skipping sugar, you will need a tent. >> we're taking dad camping for father's dad. ♪ [ female announcer ] when did we start thinking that eating a tiny breakfast would help us weigh less? ♪ with the special k breakfast, eat all this, with new, hearty special k multi-grain cereal. data shows women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who don't. so eat right, not less. a new perspective. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ [ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, i'm glad i use tampax pearl.
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[ female announcer ] tampax pearl protects better. only tampax has a leakguard braid to help stop leaks before they happen. tampax pearl protects better. ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. for a fresh take tand delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! dare to leave your lipstick at home. new revlon colorstay ultimate suede™ lipstick gives you all-day color and instant moisture with shea butter and aloe. for food-proof wear and velvety soft lips.
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father's day is almost here. coming up this sunday. if you've already asked your dad how he would like to celebrate and you heard this then we've got a great idea. that was clever with the crickets. >> we spent so much time with that. >> why not bond with dad under the stars and take him camping? we have all the gear to get you set for the great outdoors. >> hi, guys. >> how does your hair stay curly in all this. >> you know. i have a little help from the ladies on the "today" show. let's just say that. before we start, a quick shout out to my dad, brian. and my husband mike. happy father's day. love you guys so much. >> hodi and i both lost our fathers. >> oh, my god.
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that was awful. why would you say that? >> let's talk about tents. >> made me miss my daddy. >> all right. tents. >> hi, frank! >> i'm just moving on. maybe dad likes tents but he's not good at putting up the tent. stand back, ladies. the whole thing goes up -- and it is upside down and it is set up. you just anchor it to the ground. it is $99. >> you better anchor it. that thing is going to fly away. >> this is great though! usually you need the stick and stuff. but look. >> if this was grass, which it is not. okay. >> i like it. >> minilanterns. they're l.e.d. they're $40. they have these little magnetic things that you can attach to a backpack or tree branch. they even flicker like candles if you want them to. they're super cute.
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this is the biolight stove. one, can you start a pretty roaring fire in a matter of minutes with just stuff you find on the ground. you don't need big logs or lighter fluid or gasoline which is not wildlife friendly. but it is reserving all the power when you roast your weanies and it is charging your smartphone at the same time. >> you're kidding! >> i am not kidding. >> wow. did you ever think you'd see the day when you could roast a weanie and charge your iphone? wow. >> i just set it up. you're out in the -- you see water, you're not sure if it is safe to drink because you are out in the wilderness. this is the steri pen, water purifier. scoop up the later water, turn this on, are you going to stir and stir until you get a happy face on the reader. that means can you drink it? >> 99% of all bacteria and viruss that cause water borne illness. >> that's very hard to believe. >> is this killing it?
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>> yeah. just like they use in hospitals an other applications to stair lies the water. very, very cool. okay. you're out in the wilderness. you go to the bathroom in the dark. >> what do you do? >> wouldn't it be great if you had glow in the dark toilet paper. >> no, you don't. turn off the lights! can we? >> i don't know. >> is it working? >> it glows a little bit. it is lard to see in here because it has to be really, really dark. >> we're going to have to take your word for it just like the water thing. >> we'll send it back to the lab and get it back to you. >> all right. we're going to have to take her word for it. >> we're going to have to take her word for it. >> we believer! >> don't you trust me? >> this is the geo trackering device. it reads your satellite so it will work where your cell phone doesn't. it has a compass, will download maps so you can check out everything on the trail. when you get back you can upload your information to the garmin website. >> i think they meant that for
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you. >> i don't know how to read a compass. >> have you all heard anything she said the entire time? now we're out of time. >> no, we're not out of time yet! >> well, we sort of are. watch your head, honey. i >> it's a sleeping bag. >> with jerry! we should have known! >> this is a fabulous tent from -- >> jerry's doing the crawl of shame. >> i'm moving over this way. >> that's adorable. thank you. when you're out camping, you may run into one of these. >> we'll get cozy with all kinds of incredible wildlife but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back with today's
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"call of the wild." >> here with us is seaworld and busch gardens animal ambassador, julie scardina who's broad along some beautiful, beautiful friends to help spread the word about conservation. >> i can't believe what's happening in front of us! >> aren't they amazing? 2 1/2 months and 3 1/2 months. sisters and an unrelated male. we are so excited to have them at busch gardens. this is their debut. this is the first time that anybody's been able to really see them. >> they're very playful obviously. is there anything to be concerned about or -- >> even at this age, they look playful and like adorable but they are strong and they have attitude. >> careful. >> yeah, be careful, kathie lee. those jaws are very strong. there you go. see? >> that was fun. >> ouch!
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>> what's next? >> we are actually having a naming contest so it will be on people can go on -- it is not a contest, it is just a poll. people can vote for their favorite name. >> can i show this kong? if have you a dog you probably know what this thing is. it is a kong. you put peanut butter or something in it. >> they want raw meat inside those. >> look at the way he's looking at me. he says that's raw meat, kathie lee. >> i want to say as strong and powerful as they are and the king of the jungle, they are in massive decline in africa. this are only 30,000 or less lions in all of africa. and we want to make sure we pass the message on that people can do, by supporting conservation organizations like the seaworld and busch gardens conservation fund and so many different projects that we support. we can help lions in the wild. >> they're so much fun to watch. >> they are just having a great time. >> don't treat them like a puppy, take my word for it. >> i'm going to grab something
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else while the lions are going off. this guy is from see world orlando. he is one of our ambassadors. >> talk about attitude! they're like we were having a good time. >> what was that noise? >> a mating call? >> i've never heard anything. >> they are actually communicating that they were having a good time -- >> we broke up the party. weird. >> that's a lion attitude for you. >> this is called a tagu. which is actually a lizard in south america. isn't that tongue awesome? >> i'm not interested in it now. >> hoda, grab is a banana back there. most people thing of lizards as being carnivorous and eating mice and other things, and he is, too, but he is om niv russ. see how he he licks it with his
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tongue? that gives him information. he can actually smell without touching. >> is he going to snap it? >> he might. >> thanks a lot, julie. >> hoda -- >> well, he's moving. >> he's testing. >> sow, that was too big. >> he's one of our ambassadors from seaworld. he teaches people obviously about the wildlife and a lot of other countries which is -- >> we got another minute. >> thank god it is a penguin. >> i'm nervous. >> he can have his banana back there. one of our most popular ambassadors -- these two are actually a mating ir. kathie lee, i'm going to put this one right in your lap. >> of course you are. if it poos, i'm suing you. >> hold around the chest. there we go. these two are a mated pair. they've actually raised a chick. >> oh, good for you! >> we were actually one of the first parks to ever have
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penguins -- >> we only have ten seconds. we'll give one last look at this gorgeous animal that's on - at farmers we make you smarter about insurance,
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because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪
11:00 am
we have been tracking this breaking news all morning long, a worker killed at the new 49ers stadium in santa clara. you're looking live above the stadium. all other workers have been sent home for the day and the investigation continues at this hour. good morning, thanks for being with us, i'm marla tellez. >> i'm john kelley. get right to bob redell, live outside levy's stadium for a sad situation there you have been there most of the morning, what are investigators telling you? >> reporter: good morning, john and marla, not released the identity yet of this man but we do know he was an elevator worker working on behalf of schindler elevator when around 6:45 this morning, he was kil


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